
I have used BodyQuicken, and i have seen results but ive had a few problems with it becoause i have type 1 diabetes and it inteferes with my type 1 diabetes a little bit. But for the most part ive noticed my reaction speed increase alot, I could also throw punches and kicks alot faster, i think quicker, And i have more stamina. I highly reccomend it.
I used it a couple of times. To be honest with you, it didn't do anything for my reaction time. All it did was give me a tension headache. It had an effect similar to a caffeine pill.
stryker505 said:
I used it a couple of times. To be honest with you, it didn't do anything for my reaction time. All it did was give me a tension headache. It had an effect similar to a caffeine pill.

Yea i also got that too, it gave me a splitting headache for the first 4 times i tried it but then after it started to work. Maby it works on certain ppl. idk if this product would work for everyone, but it worked a little on me as i said