Blue belt coming up


Silver Belt
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
The other night my instructor gave me my fourth stripe on my white belt. Everyone says my blue belt is coming soon. I suspect it will be when his teacher comes up from Brazil in a few months. That's how it was done last time. The thing is, I don't feel like a blue belt. I really need to step it up if I'm going to wear that thing around and not feel like a phony. I'm really inconsistant. I'll tap out one of the blue belts in the class with some crazy move, but then I'll get tapped by a guy who's been training like half the time as me. I had originally trained for like 7months or so, but then I was deployed with the Marine Corps for 6 month. Since then I've only been back and training for like a month and a half. Missing so much time training I have an awful lot of "ring rust". It's like, who am I to argue with this black belt if he promotes me, but at the same time, I'll feel pretty awkward and fake if I pick up my blue belt anytime soon.
Trust your instructor. Most good players don't think they are ready for the next belt. You'll have a target for a while. Just keep training and learning.

Ten years from now it won't be such a big deal.

btw...gonna get, and got it are a little different...

Have fun! and Semper Fi
I'm in the same boat as you. I was promoted by my instructor after I placed first at a local tournament in the white belt division. It was my first tournament at 155lbs (I was 140lbs before). I had been training for a year and a few months.

I consider myself a premature blue, and I don't expect any striping for a solid year and a bit.

But face it, you will sometimes get tapped by a white belt. Take it with a grin and keep training.
Yeah and your also not a blue yet and when you do get it alot of people feel that way i did and alot of guys i train with did also
I turned down a blue belt promotion from a black belt during a guest seminar because I didn't feel I remotely deserved it. Then later when I tested under Pedro Sauer and he gave me my blue belt, I still didn't really feel like I deserved it.

But obviously I did, especially after doing so well in tournaments as a white belt. The journey from blue to purple is even longer, but who cares? Sure I'd like to get a black belt, but its not like I'm greedy and amped up to get promoted or anything. I just want to be good in jiu-jitsu and help others to become better at it.
im not a blue belt yet but i dont even feel like i should have stripes... i can tap a blue belt everynow and then... especially once i went back to the states (i trained in korea) but i still get tapped by lower whites... my instructors say i let people win too much.. i guess if they are doing it right i dong defend as hard but its too much of a bad habit. i mean i caught a purple belt of guard sorta speak in the states. i mean i deff didnt win lol i mean he coulda had me like 7 or 8 times before i surprised him.
bluebelt? What the fuck your talking about deserve it... are you kidding? Its just a bluebelt its not purple! Purple is a huge accomplishment.

There is a joking going on in Brazil: After a a-bomb only cockroaches and bluebelts will survive.
bluebelt? What the fuck your talking about deserve it... are you kidding? Its just a bluebelt its not purple! Purple is a huge accomplishment.

There is a joking going on in Brazil: After a a-bomb only cockroaches and bluebelts will survive.

The portugese language has very tongue in cheek, and intelligent humour evidently lol.
bluebelt? What the fuck your talking about deserve it... are you kidding? Its just a bluebelt its not purple! Purple is a huge accomplishment.

It just seems like you should be dominating whites, especially ones that have been training for far less than you before you get your blue belt. I'm no expert, it just seems like that.
the fact that u r humble enough is a good indicator that you r ready for your blue, youve been training for around 7 months thats just around average for someone who trains about 3times a week
ive seen anywhere from 6 months to 2 yrs for a blue belt, Joao knows what hes doing, remember dont gage yourself against others, just remember to always get better every day
The thing is, I don't feel like a blue belt...It's like, who am I to argue with this black belt if he promotes me, but at the same time, I'll feel pretty awkward and fake if I pick up my blue belt anytime soon.

As mentioned, common reaction. Have a read of this and this.
So you're not a blue belt...but you feel you're not ready for your blue belt, even though you don't have a blue belt.

You'll get over it, I'm sure. Keep training and learnning. A belt just keeps your gi closed.