Social BLM threatens retaliation over vaccine mandate

But our lives aren't that bad, in terms of what we have access to. I remember my best friend and me both having a grudge against society, not that we didn't have reasons, we did but we were also encouraged by a lot of entities telling us how poor we were or how bad we had it. To hell with that! Our grandfathers had the real problems, the ones we have are still there sure, but we do have to admit we generate some of them just with what we've been conned into thinking. Alot of it, in my opinion, is being told that we didn't have a chance and that we should be angry about it, that's why a lot of people act angry, I don't think they are really angry, and to be perfectly honest, as far as us Indians, most of us have not been through nearly as much as our grandparents. We don't have a lot of money? A nice house? A Tesla? So what, I don't really need those things. It's stupid to let those hangups bother you.

So..., I put much of our troubles it down to just poor parenting, neglect, abuse and poor modeling. I've seen it at work and it's sad as hell. You have any human of any race as a baby and all they need is the proper support and love and the proper times as well as what they watch you do, (not what you say) Not that I don't understand or feel bad for my family and friends, I do, but goddamn, there isn't much I can do for them, I've never been rich myself and I have no way of curing addictions and insufficient attitudes. As far as anger, many people have commented on my anger and yes, it's there even now but it's something that I have to manage and not make society at large be responsible for.

Lives aren't that bad compared to who?
We are products of our environment, and our experience. That's how we primarily live our lives. I think it's a common mistake to try and make real serious comparisons between how we live vs. how an ancestor, or someone living across the world is living/lived. For all intents and purposes, we practically lived in different worlds.
What you value now, your grandfather may not have valued in their time and place..and vice versa.
We all have different struggles, I don't think it's really useful to try and rank and compare our struggles.
And I'm sure they had some things that they enjoyed that have been practically lost to us today.

I get what you're saying though. I don't really disagree.
I think we should be mindful of history and surroundings, but also not let those things unnecessarily weigh us down. Anger and resentment aren't good for the heart, and they don't often help you move to better places.
Lives aren't that bad compared to who?
We are products of our environment, and our experience. That's how we primarily live our lives. I think it's a common mistake to try and make real serious comparisons between how we live vs. how an ancestor, or someone living across the world is living/lived. For all intents and purposes, we practically lived in different worlds.
What you value now, your grandfather may not have valued in their time and place..and vice versa.
We all have different struggles, I don't think it's really useful to try and rank and compare our struggles.
And I'm sure they had some things that they enjoyed that have been practically lost to us today.

I get what you're saying though. I don't really disagree.
I think we should be mindful of history and surroundings, but also not let those things unnecessarily weigh us down. Anger and resentment aren't good for the heart, and they don't often help you move to better places.

Whatever happened is still with us just by how we are raised for the most part, I get it, I really do. That's why generations usually stay in place. But I feel ashamed thinking anything I personally went through when Indians were wiped out with disease and with outright killing, constantly dealing with trickery, taught to hate themselves, molested by priests, etc.., etc.., I personally never was through anything like that and it's dishonest to try and pretend to be. However, my personality traits, my outsider status which I've lost many friends over who don't seem to understand why I don't get a regular job and a regular life. No understanding of what I may have tried or what may have been done to me in the process. I learned to do the same to them that I do to my Indian Brethren who just want to drink, I just shut them out of my life. Priorities are basic survival and after that, whatever I may be able to do to become a better musician, which is another reason I'm chronically broke, but I'm done letting anyone into my life or into my head who doesn't approve. Otherwise, yes, I might be more angry as I try to get jobs that no one will give me, try to do things that I see everyone else doing, it's a waste of time. I try to be a decent person and try not to shit on other people too much which isn't easy for anyone in this capitalist society.
Whatever happened is still with us just by how we are raised for the most part, I get it, I really do. That's why generations usually stay in place. But I feel ashamed thinking anything I personally went through when Indians were wiped out with disease and with outright killing, constantly dealing with trickery, taught to hate themselves, molested by priests, etc.., etc.., I personally never was through anything like that and it's dishonest to try and pretend to be. However, my personality traits, my outsider status which I've lost many friends over who don't seem to understand why I don't get a regular job and a regular life. No understanding of what I may have tried or what may have been done to me in the process. I learned to do the same to them that I do to my Indian Brethren who just want to drink, I just shut them out of my life. Priorities are basic survival and after that, whatever I may be able to do to become a better musician, which is another reason I'm chronically broke, but I'm done letting anyone into my life or into my head who doesn't approve. Otherwise, yes, I might be more angry as I try to get jobs that no one will give me, try to do things that I see everyone else doing, it's a waste of time. I try to be a decent person and try not to shit on other people too much which isn't easy for anyone in this capitalist society.

I hear ya, man. At the end of the day, you're the one that's got to live with you. So you have to be good with yourself and what you're doing, regardless of what other people say.
It took 'em long enough.
I've been pointing out for a while that vaccine mandates (as well as vaccine rates) are evil and racist, by the standards of the American left.

You guys hate and want to shame minority populations, who I've seen described by American lefties on this very forum as "worthy of contempt".

CRT teaches us that unequal outcomes are a result of systemic inequality and prejudice.
So, in America, the fact that white people are being vaccinated at a higher rate than black people means that Biden's vaccine rollout is racist. And if you are white and vaccinated, you are racist because you are a part of supporting and upholding an unequal and racist system of vaccinations. Black Americans dying at a higher rate than white American from covid is a problem being contributed to by vaccinated white Americans. You might as well be killing them in the streets, you vaccinated monsters.
CRT also teaches us the value of anecdote (that is, "lived experience") over empirical evidence - this is especially true when it comes to the lived experiences of people of colour. So, Nicki Minaj's cousin's swollen balls are more meaningful than Fauci's medical degrees.

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It took 'em long enough.
I've been pointing out for a while that vaccine mandates (as well as vaccine rates) are evil and racist, by the standards of the American left.

On the vax mandates i actually agree with the BLM here.
It doesn't matter what color you are, if you're not vaccinated, you're a menace to society and you're out. Safety trumps antiracism
On the vax mandates i actually agree with the BLM here.

So do I. Just not on racial grounds. Treating people of any colour, the way BLM is complaining about black people being treated, is abhorrent.

I just think it's funny looking at the American left through the lens of the American left.
On the vax mandates i actually agree with the BLM here.
ya, but why the hell go pick on some schmuck in a restaurant who is instructed by his boss to enforce a mandate? It makes people look like fools and I think it's gonna get worse the more pervasive vax card verification becomes. People getting beat, stabbed or shot over nothing. If you don't want to wear the mask, stay the hell out of the restaurants because you know the rules. People are just stupid.
So do I. Just not on racial grounds. Treating people of any colour, the way BLM is complaining about black people being treated, is abhorrent.
I agreed with the original message of BLM about policing. Till i saw the Crazy Woke Messages and some of their woke leaders....
Man, I cannot explain just how much I fucking LOVE this absolute shitshow we're about to enter.

Seriously, the Lefty pro-vaxx types I am friends with on FB are also massive BLM supporters so it's gonna be absolutely incredible seeing their anti-vaxx rants get completely silenced now their BLM idols are speaking out against the vaccine mandates. Ohhhhh, this is going to be fucking delicious and I guaranteed this would happen months ago. MONTHS. Check my post history - it's common knowledge who the strongest anti-vaxxers are - the groups that despise and distrust the government......IE - minority groups.

Sit back and open the popcorn, boys - we're about to see the entire anti-vaxx narrative crumble before our very fucking eyes and it's gonna be amazing.
I agreed with the original message of BLM about policing. Till i saw the Crazy Woke Messages and some of their woke leaders....

I think they oversimplified and misrepresented in their original message about policing. There's a discussion to be had there, but I don't think they entered into it in good faith.
It took 'em long enough.
I've been pointing out for a while that vaccine mandates (as well as vaccine rates) are evil and racist, by the standards of the American left.

You guys hate and want to shame minority populations, who I've seen described by American lefties on this very forum as "worthy of contempt".

CRT teaches us that unequal outcomes are a result of systemic inequality and prejudice.
So, in America, the fact that white people are being vaccinated at a higher rate than black people means that Biden's vaccine rollout is racist. And if you are white and vaccinated, you are racist because you are a part of supporting and upholding an unequal and racist system of vaccinations. Black Americans dying at a higher rate than white American from covid is a problem being contributed to by vaccinated white Americans. You might as well be killing them in the streets, you vaccinated monsters.
CRT also teaches us the value of anecdote (that is, "lived experience") over empirical evidence - this is especially true when it comes to the lived experiences of people of colour. So, Nicki Minaj's cousin's swollen balls are more meaningful than Fauci's medical degrees.


Mate, it's amazing isn't it. Amazing.

Just goes to show how powerful the mainstream media narrative is. Tell America their biggest anti-vaxxers are white Republicans. The truth will out in the end, and here it comes....
Man, I cannot explain just how much I fucking LOVE this absolute shitshow we're about to enter.

Seriously, the Lefty pro-vaxx types I am friends with on FB are also massive BLM supporters so it's gonna be absolutely incredible seeing their anti-vaxx rants get completely silenced now their BLM idols are speaking out against the vaccine mandates. Ohhhhh, this is going to be fucking delicious and I guaranteed this would happen months ago. MONTHS. Check my post history - it's common knowledge who the strongest anti-vaxxers are - the groups that despise and distrust the government......IE - minority groups.

Sit back and open the popcorn, boys - we're about to see the entire anti-vaxx narrative crumble before our very fucking eyes and it's gonna be amazing.

I'm liking the term "Vaccine Supremacists". Maybe, "Drug Nazis".
It’s always hilarious when Frankenstein’s monster gets to the next round of devouring him
I think they oversimplified and misrepresented in their original message about policing. There's a discussion to be had there, but I don't think they entered into it in good faith.
And the other issue i had with some of the media now how they are handling imagine to be a grown adult and journalist to be whining and complaining and writing opinion pieces about paw patrol. And how much you hate the show because of the German shepherd dog.

Their whining wont stop the show popularity. The show is popular in many countries not just US but this how far crazy and woke the media had became lol.

Grown adults whining about a kids show.
It took 'em long enough.
I've been pointing out for a while that vaccine mandates (as well as vaccine rates) are evil and racist, by the standards of the American left.

You guys hate and want to shame minority populations, who I've seen described by American lefties on this very forum as "worthy of contempt".

CRT teaches us that unequal outcomes are a result of systemic inequality and prejudice.
So, in America, the fact that white people are being vaccinated at a higher rate than black people means that Biden's vaccine rollout is racist. And if you are white and vaccinated, you are racist because you are a part of supporting and upholding an unequal and racist system of vaccinations. Black Americans dying at a higher rate than white American from covid is a problem being contributed to by vaccinated white Americans. You might as well be killing them in the streets, you vaccinated monsters.
CRT also teaches us the value of anecdote (that is, "lived experience") over empirical evidence - this is especially true when it comes to the lived experiences of people of colour. So, Nicki Minaj's cousin's swollen balls are more meaningful than Fauci's medical degrees.

his balls are swollen?
Mate, it's amazing isn't it. Amazing.

Just goes to show how powerful the mainstream media narrative is. Tell America their biggest anti-vaxxers are white Republicans. The truth will out in the end, and here it comes....

The spin and mental gymnastics are going to be something magical to behold <Lmaoo>

I think we're going to see some people's facades start to crack.
Seventy-two percent of black people in this city from ages 18 to 44 are unvaccinated. So what is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?” she added.

Chivona Newsome suggested that if these incidents continue, Black Lives Matter could revolt to exact justice like it did after George Floyd’s death.

“We’re putting this city on notice, that your mandate will not be another racist social-distance practice. Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that is not a threat; that is a promise,” she said. “The vaccination passport is not a free passport to racism.”

Kimberly Bernard, the co-founder of the Black Women’s March, echoed the charge that COVID restrictions are being weaponized against minorities.

“We are serving notice on the mayor, on the governor, on the restaurant industry that we will not allow for you to use this pandemic, vaccination cards, and masks as another reason to be racist, to put us in prison. Because there’s enough of us in there,” she said.

A man from Rise and Resist, a direct-action group that formed in resistance to the 2016 election of former president Donald Trump, turned the conversation to the partisan blame game that’s exploded amid the pandemic.

“The Republican Party and elected officials and pundits on Fox News try to blame the entirety of the unvaccinated COVID crisis on black people, even though black people are twelve percent of the population,” he said.

But while the speaker said the political Right is guilty of pinning the pandemic on the unvaccinated, of whom many are blacks, a female African American in the crowd told National Review a different tale.

A college student with experience in the restaurant industry, Maya, who did not provide her last name, said her community is struggling to recognize that Democrats, not Republicans, are spearheading vaccine mandates and therefore resurrecting racial discrimination and conflict.

“Most black people aren’t going to acknowledge that the Democratic Party has disenfranchised us. Malcom X said it’s fox and wolves. The fox pretends to be your friend to your face but passes laws behind your back to harm you. The wolf is not your friend, they don’t like you, and they treat you as such. But who do you respect more? Black people tend to fall for the fox,” Maya said.

She said her job is in jeopardy now because she’s refused the vaccine, another issue of economic equity that she says Democrats are not acknowledging.

“This vaccine mandate is disproportionately affecting people of color. People shouldn’t be forced to do it. It’s ‘for your health,’ but they’re willing to ruin people’s lives to protect against a virus with over a 99 percent survival rate. . . . This is going to be the new Jim Crow, and it’s going to affect mostly people of color,” she said.

So what now from the leftist overlords?
Aren't you anti-BLM?

Looks like you're in a pickle yourself, chief.

God it feels good to be one of the only consistent posters on this board. I'm never in these binds. Anti-BLM then. Anti-BLM now.

These are the fruits of a rationalist approach to policy.
his balls are swollen?

Her cousin's friend, sorry.
But yep, his balls swelled up and his fiance called off their wedding. <Lmaoo> Her cousin blamed the vaccine, and she Tweeted about it (it's worth noting that she didn't blame the vaccine, and is not actually against getting the vaccine).

I think she got banned from Twitter over it.