BLACK PANTHER v.4 (Dragonlord's Review)

If you have seen BLACK PANTHER, how would you rate it?

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So you're not okay with the best selling movie of all time getting a nomination? You're really rolling against the river on this one.

Lord of the Rings is a problem?

You make some points with the others.

I don't need a breakdown on your personal preferences... the masses have spoken over time & they like Avitar.

Overlooking those 2 examples I mentioned... okay I see they've made some strange choices... so I see your point there.

I'm not really talking about my personal preferences here, I'm just saying that if we really took a look at what movies get nominated, and some of the ones that have even won, BP isn't really that ridiculous.
Do we, or should we be basing what the best movie of the year is based on how well it sold? One of those Fast and Furious movies is up there as far as sales go.

Personally, I actually really liked Avatar. But it is a movie that I see shitted on a lot (unfairly, in my opinion) as a Fern Gully/Pocahontas/Dances with Wolves remake. That's why I used it as an example here. Is Avatar really a substantially better movie than Black Panther?
I think LOTR is a fine movie series, but I also think that it is massively overrated--again, I don't see any of those movies being substantially better than BP.

A "Beauty and the Beast ripoff" won best picture last year in 'The Shape of Water'.
I can't remember when the Oscars has ever really been about the "best" whatever. It's kind of a silly thing to really try and quantify anyways because how do you even compare some of these movies?

Actors/directors get awarded for movies sometimes just because it was "their time" to win one, so it's more they're getting awarded for their body of work. And the Academy tends to award quirky, new stuff, as well as movies that highlight some sort of current, or lesser known political or social issue. Black Panther fits a few of those boxes.

lol I'm looking through a list of past nominations now...'Babe', the movie about the talking pig was a nominee for best picture. ALL of the LOTR movies were nominated and 1 of them actually won, Up, Avatar, Life of Pi...and then you get these pretentious, boring movies that no one heard of like "The Post", The Reader", The Tree of Life, etc etc.

Then you get movies like Les Misrebles, Rocky, or Braveheart, that aren't bad movies, but Oscar worthy?????
I think Black Panther is more of a surprise because it's a Marvel/superhero movie...looking at it through that lens, as just a comic book movie is making people go "WTF".
Infinity War was a BETTER movie, but you can't judge that movie on its own. You have to had watched the movies that built up to it to get the full effect.
Apologies for the long windedness.
In summation, I'm not saying BP deserves an award, Im just saying it's really not that weird of a pick if you look at a list of past winners and nominees
I'm not really talking about my personal preferences here, I'm just saying that if we really took a look at what movies get nominated, and some of the ones that have even won, BP isn't really that ridiculous.
Do we, or should we be basing what the best movie of the year is based on how well it sold? One of those Fast and Furious movies is up there as far as sales go.

Personally, I actually really liked Avatar. But it is a movie that I see shitted on a lot (unfairly, in my opinion) as a Fern Gully/Pocahontas/Dances with Wolves remake. That's why I used it as an example here. Is Avatar really a substantially better movie than Black Panther?
I think LOTR is a fine movie series, but I also think that it is massively overrated--again, I don't see any of those movies being substantially better than BP.

A "Beauty and the Beast ripoff" won best picture last year in 'The Shape of Water'.
I can't remember when the Oscars has ever really been about the "best" whatever. It's kind of a silly thing to really try and quantify anyways because how do you even compare some of these movies?

Actors/directors get awarded for movies sometimes just because it was "their time" to win one, so it's more they're getting awarded for their body of work. And the Academy tends to award quirky, new stuff, as well as movies that highlight some sort of current, or lesser known political or social issue. Black Panther fits a few of those boxes.

lol I'm looking through a list of past nominations now...'Babe', the movie about the talking pig was a nominee for best picture. ALL of the LOTR movies were nominated and 1 of them actually won, Up, Avatar, Life of Pi...and then you get these pretentious, boring movies that no one heard of like "The Post", The Reader", The Tree of Life, etc etc.

Then you get movies like Les Misrebles, Rocky, or Braveheart, that aren't bad movies, but Oscar worthy?????
I think Black Panther is more of a surprise because it's a Marvel/superhero movie...looking at it through that lens, as just a comic book movie is making people go "WTF".
Infinity War was a BETTER movie, but you can't judge that movie on its own. You have to had watched the movies that built up to it to get the full effect.
Apologies for the long windedness.
In summation, I'm not saying BP deserves an award, Im just saying it's really not that weird of a pick if you look at a list of past winners and nominees

I dont like Avatar but that film is considered a breaktrought in effects and technology and in that way significant to the industry and LOTR films were large scale epics based on one fo the most important literary works of the 20th century.

The only thing Black Panther has is the all black cast, I think Batman Begins, Spider-man 1 and 2, Iron man 1, Superman (1978), the dark knight, Logan all are better films.
It's ok, it's just a precursor for "Us" to mop up the awards next year...
I dont like Avatar but that film is considered a breaktrought in effects and technology and in that way significant to the industry and LOTR films were large scale epics based on one fo the most important literary works of the 20th century.

The only thing Black Panther has is the all black cast, I think Batman Begins, Spider-man 1 and 2, Iron man 1, Superman (1978), the dark knight, Logan all are better films.
Movies that are seen as "the first" of something, usually get more attention. I get why Avatar was nominated. And I could get why LOTR was as well..(but to a lesser extent..and all 3 of those movies definitely didn't deserve nomination) I don't see BP as being wildly different from either.

Like a lot of people, it seems like you're just looking at BP as "just a comic book movie". Feel how you want about Black Panther, but it isn't accurate to say 'it just had a lot of black people in it'. It was praised for the set and costume design, and the world building--building up Wakanda and the whole Panther god/afterlife.
It was also praised for the story, and the actor that got the most talked about was not Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther, but the villain, Kilmonger. Agree or disagree with him, hate "SJW/BLM" messages, but Kilmonger's controversial thoughts were one of the things most talked about with this movie.
That's why I'm baffled as to what movie you guys watched when you say this movie was like any other superhero movie. The villain was driven by revenge personal and historical revenge, and wanted to have an African empire. What other movie have you seen a story like that?? And in a Disney owned movie?????

It was praised for it's supporting cast---M'Baku, Lupita, Shuri, Okoye, and Klaue--and for having all of the women not just be fixtures and damsels in distress, but they were all strong women.
It also went into what makes a good king, loyalty, tradition, nationalism, humility, betrayal, and honor. (The BP's general had to turn against him to honor Wakandan traditions--and then had to fight against her own husband)

I'm not calling the moive Citizen Kane, but it was much deeper than people in here are giving it credit for.
Black Panther wasn't even the best movie with Black Panther in, in 2018.
For those complaining about nothing, please check every other years nomination list to find an endless supply of movies you also dont think are worthy.
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Movies that are seen as "the first" of something, usually get more attention. I get why Avatar was nominated. And I could get why LOTR was as well..(but to a lesser extent..and all 3 of those movies definitely didn't deserve nomination) I don't see BP as being wildly different from either.

Like a lot of people, it seems like you're just looking at BP as "just a comic book movie". Feel how you want about Black Panther, but it isn't accurate to say 'it just had a lot of black people in it'. It was praised for the set and costume design, and the world building--building up Wakanda and the whole Panther god/afterlife.
It was also praised for the story, and the actor that got the most talked about was not Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther, but the villain, Kilmonger. Agree or disagree with him, hate "SJW/BLM" messages, but Kilmonger's controversial thoughts were one of the things most talked about with this movie.
That's why I'm baffled as to what movie you guys watched when you say this movie was like any other superhero movie. The villain was driven by revenge personal and historical revenge, and wanted to have an African empire. What other movie have you seen a story like that?? And in a Disney owned movie?????

It was praised for it's supporting cast---M'Baku, Lupita, Shuri, Okoye, and Klaue--and for having all of the women not just be fixtures and damsels in distress, but they were all strong women.
It also went into what makes a good king, loyalty, tradition, nationalism, humility, betrayal, and honor. (The BP's general had to turn against him to honor Wakandan traditions--and then had to fight against her own husband)

I'm not calling the moive Citizen Kane, but it was much deeper than people in here are giving it credit for.
Black Panther while absolutely better than the overbloated Infinity War it is nowhere near Best Picture quality imo

Thor: Ragnarok and Dr. Strange were both better imo
I'm not really talking about my personal preferences here, I'm just saying that if we really took a look at what movies get nominated, and some of the ones that have even won, BP isn't really that ridiculous.
Do we, or should we be basing what the best movie of the year is based on how well it sold? One of those Fast and Furious movies is up there as far as sales go.

Personally, I actually really liked Avatar. But it is a movie that I see shitted on a lot (unfairly, in my opinion) as a Fern Gully/Pocahontas/Dances with Wolves remake. That's why I used it as an example here. Is Avatar really a substantially better movie than Black Panther?
I think LOTR is a fine movie series, but I also think that it is massively overrated--again, I don't see any of those movies being substantially better than BP.

A "Beauty and the Beast ripoff" won best picture last year in 'The Shape of Water'.
I can't remember when the Oscars has ever really been about the "best" whatever. It's kind of a silly thing to really try and quantify anyways because how do you even compare some of these movies?

Actors/directors get awarded for movies sometimes just because it was "their time" to win one, so it's more they're getting awarded for their body of work. And the Academy tends to award quirky, new stuff, as well as movies that highlight some sort of current, or lesser known political or social issue. Black Panther fits a few of those boxes.

lol I'm looking through a list of past nominations now...'Babe', the movie about the talking pig was a nominee for best picture. ALL of the LOTR movies were nominated and 1 of them actually won, Up, Avatar, Life of Pi...and then you get these pretentious, boring movies that no one heard of like "The Post", The Reader", The Tree of Life, etc etc.

Then you get movies like Les Misrebles, Rocky, or Braveheart, that aren't bad movies, but Oscar worthy?????
I think Black Panther is more of a surprise because it's a Marvel/superhero movie...looking at it through that lens, as just a comic book movie is making people go "WTF".
Infinity War was a BETTER movie, but you can't judge that movie on its own. You have to had watched the movies that built up to it to get the full effect.
Apologies for the long windedness.
In summation, I'm not saying BP deserves an award, Im just saying it's really not that weird of a pick if you look at a list of past winners and nominees
All good on the long explanation... My eyez have been opened. You're absolutely correct. For me to give even a few moments of thought to what they nominate, is a bit silly given their past.

Then you get movies like Les Misrebles, Rocky, or Braveheart, that aren't bad movies, but Oscar worthy?????
As I understand it... anything goez... so yes... they are oscar worthy.

Fook Oscar!


I got big broblemz with Black Panther... mainly due to the scene where their leader is decided by combat. FFS they just created this lore where they are the most advanced ancient society but their leader can be taken out if he losez a fight?


Not only should've some meathead gotten control a long time ago & went on a rampage across the world thus exposing their society, but another meathead while thinking they were being sneaky would've made some stupid choices that at least exposed them to the world.

They're not picking the smartest people as leaderz... they're picking fooking Meatheadz who are tough & can win a fight.

We're talking about a society that has been craftily hidden from our view for agez... & you're telling me the fooking leader is decided upon in a fooking fight? That is way to big of a plot hole to even be considered for movie of the year imo.

Imo Avitar is way way better a movie. I seem to be much more of a fan than many vocal blogists... but I don't agree with the thingz I've heard them say. It's such an awesome movie on so many levels.

LOTR 1st movie was imo very valid. Loved that story... & so very well done. I'm with you on your point of view on the other 2... but the first one waz a work of art imo.

Infinity War has issues too... The shield on Wakanda being breached by multiple attacks is completely silly. (Black Panther strikes again.) There are other issues too, but IW waz multiple timez a better movie. I don't care if it requires knowledge of the other movies to get it all... & in fact, I'm not sure it's a requirement to get it all, to realize how much better this movie is. I don't know anyone who doesn't know any background & what their point of view might of been, but I don't think it matterz. Sequelz get nodz too.

None of this matters when considering Oscar nominationz, because they have alternate criteria when making their decisionz... I just thought I'd speak a bit on my personal feelingz about some of the moviez we mentioned.

Rocky was then & still remains an icon of the human resolve & spirit. Very worthy of movie of the year imo... & proven by time.
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I liked Black Panther, but it wasn't even the best Marvel movie last year.
Nicely stated, @SmilinDesperado.

I've never taking the "Best Film" to mean the best story of the year, or anywhere close to that. As far as I can tell the criteria is more about what the film did for film culture and society as a whole, what did it represent that year? BLACK PANTHER came at the heels of #blacklivesmatter and stepped into the collective consciousness by promoting itself as a film created by Black people, and carried that wave into millions and millions of dollars. That's a watershed moment, even though we've seen pieces of all that before from previous films.
lol @ oscar nom for this movie.
I might put money on it winning for the lulz
While I enjoyed it and really enjoyed Infinity War and just about everything Marvel has put out save for like IM2 and the first two Thor movies...

Only thing they should be winning is sound design or special effects.

Best Picture.... Jesus.