Elections Black gop governor nominee was a black nazi and watcher of tranny porn

This is fucking disgusting.

@nhbbear swore with his whole chest that only libtards are cuck degenerates. Is Mark Robinson a secret libtard?
You’re a fucking retard. I have no idea who that is. And I never said such a thing. Ever. You fucking ass clown
So apparently Robinson, would get a room at the porn shop 5 times a week. That is some degenerate shit right there. I mean the only people using that room are jerking off in it. You probably stick to the floors just walking in. That is gross. Why not just jerk off at home. Trump only endorses the best people.
Ah , the age old "you are what you hate." Liberal shtick they like to jack off to.

I'm sure all the lefties in here are closeted heterosexual Nazis, or are there not enough anecdotes of leftists engaging in heterosexualtivities to support that theory?

Nope, we are just normal

You are the weirdo lunatics that seem OBSESSED like fucking autistic serial killers with what others do in the bedroom.
The part that is absolutely stunning to me is that this guy used his real name and email address for a forum on a porn website, and the same account name that he uses everywhere else. Like he never considered using a fake name or burner email accounts?

Nope, we are just normal

You are the weirdo lunatics that seem OBSESSED like fucking autistic serial killers with what others do in the bedroom.
So the left's obsession with Nazis isn't some closeted fantasy? Does this phenomenon only swing one way? I was told that the more you hate something, the more likely you are to cosplay as that thing.
So the left's obsession with Nazis isn't some closeted fantasy? Does this phenomenon only swing one way? I was told that the more you hate something, the more likely you are to cosplay as that thing.

Lol, obsession? Nope, not even close. But I do find it interesting that you view trans people as being the same level of political evil as the nazis were, thus making this stupid as shit comparison
Lol, obsession? Nope, not even close. But I do find it interesting that you view trans people as being the same level of political evil as the nazis were, thus making this stupid as shit comparison
You're reaching with that assumption.
I'm comparing the perceived obsession between the two, not the actual similarities. The charge is that the more obsessed you are with something, the more likely you are that thing.

The idea that I compared them as two comparable political evils is your inability to not play victim for two seconds. Fuck you people are such slaves to that shit.
You're reaching with that assumption.
I'm comparing the perceived obsession between the two, not the actual similarities. The charge is that the more obsessed you are with something, the more likely you are that thing.

The idea that I compared them as two comparable political evils is your inability to not play victim for two seconds. Fuck you people are such slaves to that shit.

Well, first of all.. the left isn't "obsessed with nazis". That is just some stupid narrative you've invented. We don't have 3x versions of nazi megathreads do we? We do point out that you and nazis seem to cross over on quite a bit when it comes to political and cultural issues, the only difference is that (at least on the forums where moderation exists) the right stops just short of mass genocide of minority groups.
The hypocrisy here is the old as time 'wide stance' republican position on LGBT issues. Vilify LGBT people as immoral, filth, scum, wrap themselves in the flag of family values, while behind closed doors partaking in that which they condemn.
Yes they dont think a man can get pregnant and dudes don’t belong in woman’s sports teams, dancing in dresses in front of kids, woman’s restrooms and woman jails. Literally Hitlers
Well, first of all.. the left isn't "obsessed with nazis". That is just some stupid narrative you've invented. We don't have 3x versions of nazi megathreads do we? We do point out that you and nazis seem to cross over on quite a bit when it comes to political and cultural issues, the only difference is that (at least on the forums where moderation exists) the right stops just short of mass genocide of minority groups.
I'm convinced.
No idea of this is verified or not but I can't miss the opportunity to post this gif

The part that is absolutely stunning to me is that this guy used his real name and email address for a forum on a porn website, and the same account name that he uses everywhere else. Like he never considered using a fake name or burner email accounts?

crazy how dumb people can be
So apparently Robinson, would get a room at the porn shop 5 times a week. That is some degenerate shit right there. I mean the only people using that room are jerking off in it. You probably stick to the floors just walking in. That is gross. Why not just jerk off at home. Trump only endorses the best people.
I lived in Amsterdam for 4 years, I went into a peep show once when a friend was visiting from England. I really wanted to shower my everything after touching anything. IIRC there were actually boxes of tissues in each booth.