Elections Black gop governor nominee was a black nazi and watcher of tranny porn

While funny like many Republican shenanigans, I don't care for the trans slur nor liberal/leftwing people using gay or trans as a slur when it suits their purposes.
Annnnnd the absolute dumbest take in the thread was has been locked up.
While funny like many Republican shenanigans, I don't care for the trans slur nor liberal/leftwing people using gay or trans as a slur when it suits their purposes.
It’s pointing out his hypocrisy, not using it as an insult. The left was clear on this when Alex jones outed himself as a man with Similar tastes
I can see those issues will be important and pressing to most Americans that can't afford their Electricity bills and food.
Yes because the guy who's pro slavery and wants to own slaves himself is definitely who id trust to take care of struggling lower class Americans...

Wtf is wrong with people