

Blue Belt
Jan 13, 2008
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This weekend im going to a 2 day 5 hour each day BJJ seminar. its the first time ill be doing any BJJ any idea what i should expect? im very exited hopfully this is the start of somthin big!
Be prepared to get thrown around like a rag doll.
Expect to get tired fast and be in contact with a large dose of another man's sweat.

It'll be a blast you'll love it.
I hope it works out for you, but I couldn't imagine going to a seminar for your first day of training. Depending on what's being taught, it might be over your head.
Take notes! You will probably be "drilling" a ton of techniques, meaning applying them on a partner who is giving no resistance. Possibly some sparring at the end of the seminar, in which you will get owned. Don't worry about it.
im pumped i dont remember the last time i was this exited haha i feel like a little kid on christmas lol
I hope it works out for you, but I couldn't imagine going to a seminar for your first day of training. Depending on what's being taught, it might be over your head.

I was thinking the same thing. Seminars are usually geared towards practitioners with at least some experience, and often focus on a specific chain of techniques, or setups, and so forth, that may be hard to understand if it's your first class. Who is giving the seminar?
not sure who he is but im a fast learner so hopefully i can keep up
i have no problem with taking a beating im not some punk, if i get my ass beat well then it should be a good learning experience
Do not let the seminar have a negative impact on your view of BJJ, and your potential for success with future training.

You will probably get owned repeatedly by the massive numbers of white-belts in attendance if it's a big name.

You will probably be unable to commit anything to memory, and you will be a hindrance to any person you are paired with.

Regardless, you should have fun and use it to springboard you into training at a legit bjj gym.

I am not sure you understand how bad the average new guy gets owned. It will probably be like getting tossed into a pool without knowing how to swim. Don't let your ego get you hurt, or ruin your day.
i have no problem with taking a beating im not some punk, if i get my ass beat well then it should be a good learning experience

hahaha just bugging you. But just a question, what if the guy giving the seminar looked exactly like him?
hahaha just bugging you. But just a question, what if the guy giving the seminar looked exactly like him?

haha well then i would think of this and laugh lol but really i dont care what someone looks like or how big they are its not gonna bother me, there human like everyone esle.

and also someone said dont let my ego get me hurt or get in my way or learning or somthing like that, i no i come off cocky but through boxing i learned to leave me ego at home, all i want to do is get a positive learning experience out of this, its in a small town where there is nobody that i no of that has BJJ experience so i dont think there will be many there that know much more than me and theres no way they are more determined to sucseed in MMA than me and this is a big first step on my way to something big lol
haha well then i would think of this and laugh lol but really i dont care what someone looks like or how big they are its not gonna bother me, there human like everyone esle.

and also someone said dont let my ego get me hurt or get in my way or learning or somthing like that, i no i come off cocky but through boxing i learned to leave me ego at home, all i want to do is get a positive learning experience out of this, its in a small town where there is nobody that i no of that has BJJ experience so i dont think there will be many there that know much more than me and theres no way they are more determined to sucseed in MMA than me and this is a big first step on my way to something big lol

It sounds like you've got the right additude, just keep it going. I think you'll find that when you do get to a BJJ gym, that you'll get a tonne of support for your endeavours. People who do this sport are all madly in love with it(otherwise they quit after about the 3rd rape of the evening and never come back...citing a 'sore back" as their reason for not continuing), and will show you anything you ask them to if you ask them nicely.

People tend to get too wrapped up in a destination, myself included, whenever they take on an endeavour. Only realise that there is no destination in any pursuit, but it is the journey that must be cherished. The pursuit of the everevolving, and therefore everlasting style: an expression of ones passion and creativity.
It sounds like you've got the right additude, just keep it going. I think you'll find that when you do get to a BJJ gym, that you'll get a tonne of support for your endeavours. People who do this sport are all madly in love with it(otherwise they quit after about the 3rd rape of the evening and never come back...citing a 'sore back" as their reason for not continuing), and will show you anything you ask them to if you ask them nicely.

People tend to get too wrapped up in a destination, myself included, whenever they take on an endeavour. Only realise that there is no destination in any pursuit, but it is the journey that must be cherished. The pursuit of the everevolving, and therefore everlasting style: an expression of ones passion and creativity.

thats deep man lol i have wanted to do MMA for awhile now and i beleive this is a big step toward it but i was always just talking and not doing anything then my mother (whos in a wheelchair) told me one day go for it while you can you never no when somthing can happen that take your legs away from you and since then iv been working out hard and looking for any type of martial arts
thats deep man lol i have wanted to do MMA for awhile now and i beleive this is a big step toward it but i was always just talking and not doing anything then my mother (whos in a wheelchair) told me one day go for it while you can you never no when somthing can happen that take your legs away from you and since then iv been working out hard and looking for any type of martial arts

She's absolutely right. She's the one who's deep.
Good attitude. I hope you like BJJ or the 10 hours are going to drag on.

Good luck man. Oh and get soem knee pads or you will bleed all over the mats.
Do not let the seminar have a negative impact on your view of BJJ, and your potential for success with future training.

You will probably get owned repeatedly by the massive numbers of white-belts in attendance if it's a big name.

LMAO, for some reason this made me think of the Houston 500 gangbang vid, lol.

Seriously though, remember to breathe and pace yourself, also don't let your ego get the better of you (even if you're cool and humble as hell, after you get tapped 15 times in a row, everyone tends to get a bit irritated).
I think you are making a big mistake! BJJ requires a level of conditioning and muscle memory that your body is not accustomed to at this point having no experience. You will probably be gassed and done after an hour or two. I would look to get into some beginner's classes before doing such long sessions. Be prepared to drinks LOTS of water and eat some bananas to alleviate muscle cramping.
I think you are making a big mistake! BJJ requires a level of conditioning and muscle memory that your body is not accustomed to at this point having no experience. You will probably be gassed and done after an hour or two. I would look to get into some beginner's classes before doing such long sessions. Be prepared to drinks LOTS of water and eat some bananas to alleviate muscle cramping.

its not like im in bad shape im in very good shape im not saying i wont get gassed after awhile but i dont plan on giving up thats not who i am. and i also plan on asking the guy after if he will train me weekly, no idea if he will or not but ill post and let you guys no when i get back on sunday