BJJ/MA Sex offender warning - FL area


Aussie!, Aussie!, Aussie! ...
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Thought I'd pass this along.
This is hot on the jiu-jitsu forums at the moment:

America's Most Wanted : Emanuel Veiga

He is wanted for child molestation, and was active in jiu-jitsu in Florida. It seems the BJJ community is on the lookout there in case he resurfaces.

Anyone with a club in FL (esp if there are any junior tournaments going on) please be aware.

damn child molestation and he has a child..get this guy!
I wonder why Dog and America's Most Wanted don't team up to stop ass hats like this.
yeah I hate to see bjj fall into the wrong hands.
First the Montoya rape case, then the BJJ guy wanted for murder, then Terere's plane incident, now this... goddamn.
Alternate pic for people on the lookout:

Im just hoping some crazy host on an all news channel doesn't twist this into "BJJ: underground child molestation" or something like that...
Gothic_Coop said:
I wonder why Dog and America's Most Wanted don't team up to stop ass hats like this.
the link above goes to america's most wanted website, and dog is in hawaii filming his shows.
ill stomp the shit out of this asshole if i see him, is he in south florida?
Superbeast said:
First the Montoya rape case, then the BJJ guy wanted for murder, then Terere's plane incident, now this... goddamn.

THe Montoya rape case?

What's that about?

But let's be honest, crims are everywhere and have their own interests. It's like say a football coach that gets done for kiddy fiddling or murder. I think it's more a coincidence.