BJJ lifting



While I'm not relatively new to the other parts of this forum I've stayed away from the S+P section until now. Mainly because until recently I played waterpolo and the routine I had worked for me in that sport. I recently just ended my ten year polo career and have started up with Brazilian Ju-Jitsu.

What I'm looking for is some sport specific lifts for BJJ. I've been thinking about pull-ups, deadlift, squats, reg. bench and lots of ab work to compliment my BJJ training but I thought I'd put it to the community here for some insight. So if you can throw down some What, When and Whys I'd much appreciate it.
im doing a 3 day deadlift, bench, squat routine with some extra grip training and tabata's. its been working very well for me. its all in the stickies, except the tabata's thread and "you have pussy hands"

i dont know the what, when and why's but it gets your ass strong, and if you train jits as well, your new strength will carry over nicely. the tabata's stuff is good for endurance, and grip strength is important too.
Very good information lies in the stickies as well.
FCFighter316 said:
Before we throw down the what, where, why, rsvp lets get your age, height, weight, goals(s&p, bulk, endurance)

Very true. Thanks for reminding me. Currently I weight 179. I'm 23 and 6'1''. I don't really want to get any more than 185-190. I'm looking for mostly endurance and power with minimal size gains. I should mention that I haven't lifted in almost 4 months so I'm basically starting from scratch now.
More pulling motions would be nice. But don't mind me, I dont train BJJ.
Try reading the stickies. I use a powerlifting-based routine with some grip work and power cleans. The basics work well to develop strength. Your game will improve by training, lifting is there to helpimprove your strength and power but your specific skills ( setupos, submissions, escapes, sweeps, etc) are gonna improve with more mat time.
Can you post your waterpolo routine? I used to play, and have friends that still do, so I'm interested. Cheers
Compound exercises that use alot of muscles at the same time are good. I'm doing supersets & I noticed that improved my strenght.
Thanks FCFighter some good info there.

Big Red - Do you have a link to a website where I can read up on supersets? I've never heard of this before.

Johnny -

I would lift 2-3 times per week, usually taking weekends "off." I say off like that because a lot of times I had tournaments or would surf.
Mainly my workout looked like so:

Squats wt x 10 x 3
Bench wt x10 x 3
Abs around 400 regular + 100 obliques
Wrist Curls bar to failure x 3
Lat Pull-downs wt x10x3

This was my routine in high school. During swim season I cut the abs out because we did abs at the start of swim practice daily. As I got into college my bench press became a incline bench press due to its being more sport specific to playing polo. I never did military press however because of the increased weight that would put on my shoulders which I wanted to avoid as I now have slight shoulder porblems. I also added deadlift to my routine in college because it worked a lot of muscles at the same time and I needed another lift.