BJJ and weight training


White Belt
Oct 25, 2005
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I was a competitive powerlifter and strongman but have now put my efforts into BJJ. I still do strongman training a powerlifting but I'm trying to find a happy medium. I am doing BJJ 3 days a week. How many days do you guys that weight train and do BJJ, weight train?
I also throw in some crossfit workouts too. I also do grip work.

I'm trying to figure out a format that works for me to keep me from overtraining.

Here is my weekly schedule:

Monday- AM crossfit workout of the day/night-BJJ
Tuesday-Strongman events(1 hours worth of work)
Wed- AM speed work ( I choose between clean and press, snatch or deadlift)/night BJJ
Fri-speed bench and assistance,speed squats and one other speed movement.
Sat- rest
You should work your grip more.
Well, I only really do 'weight training' once a week. But I started doing the Rolling Thunder for my grip nearly every single day, and that is kinda weight training, so ...
Sorry to hijack the thread for a second. Diligent, how is your RT training going. I haven't heard from you in a while. Everything going well? Did your wrestling just start and if so how are you doing? Keep us posted.
rickdog said:
Sorry to hijack the thread for a second. Diligent, how is your RT training going. I haven't heard from you in a while. Everything going well? Did your wrestling just start and if so how are you doing? Keep us posted.

Well, I actually hurt my thumb in wrestling a while ago, so that put me off for about 1 - 2 weeks, but now my thumb is feeling better. I am back training the Rolling Thunder and pinch grip right now, but it still hurts my thumb to do grippers or levering ....

I got 120lbs on my right hand a while ago (post-injury pr) and 115lbs (other post-injury pr)on my left hand just yesterday. I also got a 10lb PR on pinch grip yesterday, too! (See the PR thread).

Wrestling is going great and I am getting better and better each week. BJJ is just awesome, and I am starting to like it just as much as wrestling. I have definitely used wrestling to my advantage in BJJ (esp. in standing up/take-down aspect, obviously). I got my first two subs on 2 different people last week at my fifth practice!!! woowoo! Both were keylocks ... I seem to have an affinity for keylocks ....

Hopefully I'll be hitting 125lbs with my right hand soon so I can be back up to par with my old pr on the RT. And then ... 175lbs!!! :wink:

I pm'd ya.
You have a good selection of exercises. Just don't forget to add heavy weight training at least once a week since you also need maximal strength.

Headache said:
I was a competitive powerlifter and strongman but have now put my efforts into BJJ. I still do strongman training a powerlifting but I'm trying to find a happy medium. I am doing BJJ 3 days a week. How many days do you guys that weight train and do BJJ, weight train?
I also throw in some crossfit workouts too. I also do grip work.

I'm trying to figure out a format that works for me to keep me from overtraining.

Here is my weekly schedule:

Monday- AM crossfit workout of the day/night-BJJ
Tuesday-Strongman events(1 hours worth of work)
Wed- AM speed work ( I choose between clean and press, snatch or deadlift)/night BJJ
Fri-speed bench and assistance,speed squats and one other speed movement.
Sat- rest