Bisping crashes Anderson's open workout, calls him "limp d*ck liar" on Twitter

Been posted a few times but still funny. Anderson destroyed him and he barely speaks English. Bisping still cracks me up though, the weigh-in's gonna be entertaining.
Bisping continues making it impossible to like him
Can't wait to see bisping get schooled in his own home.
Do you guys seriously not recognize mind games and fight hyping when you see it?
Bisping got verbally destroyed by a guy who does not speak English.

He was like a passive aggressive beta, he probably posts on 4chan.
I just posted this in a similar thread -

I teach English as a second language - there is a BIG difference between conversational English and having to respond to questions from interviewers who OFTEN speak quickly, throw in a few or more difficult or techincal words - which sometimes are mumbled or mixed in a line of other words not enunciated. Having a translator will prevent Anderson from either saying, "Excuse me? What?" or not knowing the meaning of a particular word and just 'guessing' at the answer or nodding and looking stupid. In fact, any fighter (Fedor, etc) will benefit by listening to English and then having the meaning reinforced by a translator (and as someone else mentioned, for the benefit of native listeners).

So Bisping, if you were okay at and learning Portugese (and listen to Anderson, he's not any better than fair), would you want to conduct an interview in front of millions of people without an English translator just to facilitate things for ya?
Anderson was being so respectful and friendly at the beginning of that encounter, too...

Anderson: "Good luck buddy, say hi to your family"

Bisping: "No Viagra."

Never been a Bisping hater, but that was a low moment lol.
A small jab in fun would've been fine but Bisping went too far with his rant. Show some class. I was hoping for Anderson before this but now I hope he really gives it to Bisping. The lack of respect he showed one the greatest if not GOAT doesn't sit well with me
This is the type of shit that get's him a follow up...
Silva played that real cool. Bisping had nothing for a guy who hardly speaks English.
how many threads are going to be started on this today?
I thought the British had better manners!
Bisping continues making it impossible to like him

I disagree, Bisping continues to make it impossible to dislike him. From the Hendo H bomb to the limp dick comments, he creates top level drama for a European fighter. How could you not like that?

Don't be a glass half full kinda guy brah.
Yet if Conor did it people would be praising him.
The same people who took pleasure in the HendoBomb will take pleasure in seeing Conor laying half dead and stiff like an unshaven cock.
Bisping trying hard to sell this fight but Anderson is just like "Bitch Please"