Bisping 10-7s the little mermaid again

Just the alpha beta stuff

The rest is 100% correct

Although Ariel is a beta and so are all you Helweenies

Strange old guy. There’s definitely something irritating you and I want to get to the bottom of it. Perhaps one of your favourite book characters is experiencing some perils at the moment. Or maybe you’re annoyed about the Germany result where Scotland got hammered 5-1?
You seem insecure partna

Not everyone has to be a manly man. “Beta male Weasels” put us on the moon and discovered Penicillin

You must be one of them 6ft6 280lbs no body fat sherdoggers I’ve been reading about, a true personification of masculinity
Yes, pointless weasely whiners that got into sports journalism because they failed at real journalism got us to the moon and Alexander Fleming was well known for pointlessly antagonizing athletes and crying when they ended up not liking him. Great point, great post, great human being.
Strange old guy. There’s definitely something irritating you and I want to get to the bottom of it. Perhaps one of your favourite book characters is experiencing some perils at the moment. Or maybe you’re annoyed about the Germany result where Scotland got hammered 5-1?
So we're not going with Pommy anymore?

Sorry your hero got a verbal slap down
It's honestly embarrassing how much this guy triggers the people on this website. Especially because those people keep throwing around words like "snowflake" and "triggered" - but you idiots are the snowflakes getting triggered.

Stay mad y'all
It's honestly embarrassing how much this guy triggers the people on this website. Especially because those people keep throwing around words like "snowflake" and "triggered" - but you idiots are the snowflakes getting triggered.

Stay mad y'all
Right. Why is it that Bisping gets under their skin so much
One of them is a weasel alright

With a rich history of being a weasel

But, "hates Dana" so everyone just ignores it
Your childish hate for Ariel aside - Bisping was the weasel here. You have to be an incredible Bisping fanboy to not see it like that. Fuck, look at the comments on the video - made by people who are there to watch Bispings content because they like him. The "It was just a joke" thing Bisping did is some of the most weasely shit ever. Bisping was wrong, and instead of just moving along, he decided to act like a dick.

And my god - reading the rest of your comments.....Wtf is wrong with you? Ariel really got you triggered. Do you need a safe space?
So we're not going with Pommy anymore?

Sorry your hero got a verbal slap down
Don’t know what you’re talking about. You guys had a decent season with Stevie G at the helm but it was just a stepping stone to Al ettifaqi
Even if we were to look at that instance alone in his career.
It’s still more man than anything Ariel has done in his entire life.

Yea I’d take Ariel’s career over Bisping’s any day. Dude been KO’d multiple times, lost an eye, and racked up some CTE miles only to be remembered as an overachieving gatekeeper, because that’s exactly what he was.

No doubt, being a cage fighter is more manly and “cool”, but it’s not something that we can all aspire to be. And just because someone chooses that profession and is reasonably successful, it doesn’t automatically trump greatness in other areas. Is Bisping’s career more than, say, a successful lawyer or doctor? What about a famous actor or author? It’s apples to oranges man. Ariel is vastly more successful at his job than Bisping was at his. Period. He’s famous, rich, and can continue to do his job well into his senior years, at which point Bisping will be a footnote with an asterisk.
A guy like Helwani having grown men swinging from his nuts is simply mind boggling.

You fuckin' weirdos.
I think most people would rather have a beer with Mike, its just that he's wrong in this scenario.
People like yourself who can't be objective because of their hatred are never getting anywhere in life.
Yea I’d take Ariel’s career over Bisping’s any day. Dude been KO’d multiple times, lost an eye, and racked up some CTE miles only to be remembered as an overachieving gatekeeper, because that’s exactly what he was.

No doubt, being a cage fighter is more manly and “cool”, but it’s not something that we can all aspire to be. And just because someone chooses that profession and is reasonably successful, it doesn’t automatically trump greatness in other areas. Is Bisping’s career more than, say, a successful lawyer or doctor? What about a famous actor or author? It’s apples to oranges man. Ariel is vastly more successful at his job than Bisping was at his. Period. He’s famous, rich, and can continue to do his job well into his senior years, at which point Bisping will be a footnote with an asterisk.
You only see posts this stupid from people lame enough to pay money to post on free websites.
Mild or loaded?

If he knew what he was doing he is a lowlife.
That was a very mild question. If this is what you guys are talking about when you talk shit about Ariel - wtf is wrong with you? How would Ariel know she would react like that? And she could just have said no comment.

I get why some people do not like Ariel, but this is just him asking a relevant question. What a bunch of cry babies.
Honestly didn't know you were this childish man. Always seemed like a level headed poster to me. I guess Ariel really do bring out the truth about ones character.

Blanqua bro is ok, he just suffers from Ariel derangement. Plenty of respectable posters do. Ariel is as polarizing on this forum as neckbeards, PEDs, and Jon Jones.