Quoted for truth! The colour of their uniforms is a very accurate representation of the actions of the skipper
The fighters know if you don’t answer, it’s over. But yeah, he didn’t actually say it. He was done.In (flimsy) defence to BJ, I don't think he actually verbalised it (didn't actually say "no mas"). His corner called it. He was probably thinking it, his body language said it and he didn't protest either but I'd like to think that BJ would've gone out there and taken his beans if he was sent out for the 5th.
I could be wrong though
Penn defeated by Vaseline?
I was screaming the house down when this happened. Our best player getting himself sent off in a World Cup grudge match with a petulant pussy foul, right in front of the ref.
He wasn't the best player on the team. Or at least the coach didn't think so. He couldn't even get a start though he had a real good performance the game before. Michael Owen was scoring some good goals that year