big project- (weightlifting, strength, body building)


Orange Belt
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Ok first off i'd like to say its the first time ive visited the s/p forum. I finally started to take advantage of the training log here and get more serious about being in the gym. Heres a little background about myself. My senior year i was an allstar R/B and safety in highschool, should of continued in college but i decided to get to work instead since i got a good job. I always have been a naturally strong athletic person, but after highschool i stopped going to the gym and went from a solid 185LB ball of muscle, to a lazy slob bloated around 220. I started hitting the gym again in May 2007 so its been almost a year since i've been back at it.

My first goal was to establish a diet and drop the weight. By august due to intense cardio i was down to my lightest weight ever, 158. From that point on my strength training began.

My recent stats are:

Age: 20
Height: 6'2"
Reach: 78"
Weight: 180LBs


Bench 200x5

Squat 275x5

Day 1-Chest Day 2-Rest or legs Day3-Arms Day4-rest Day5-back Day6- cardio repeat

I'm almost back to my old physique, my abs are well defined, arm are toned, broad shoulders, defined legs.

My overall goal is to gain another 10-20Lbs of muscle- more upper body and arms, and drop a small amount of fat since i've slowed down on the cardio.

I'm a newb when it comes to strength training. I've never been taught anything, everything ive learned has come from watching or reading so bear with me and any help is greatly appreciated. I'm heading to the gym now to work the chest so i'll update the log when im back on how my lifts went

edit-fixed my routine, was in a rush when i first wrote it
Good luck man. You are pretty strong for a beginner.

Read the Faq and learn as much as you can from other people's logs.
Not to diss you in your own log, but what's the logic behind having 2 arms days out of 4 total workout days? Have you read the FAQ yet?
Not to diss you in your own log, but what's the logic behind having 2 arms days out of 4 total workout days? Have you read the FAQ yet?

I've read some of the Faq. I typed out my routine wrong i was in a rush, its corrected now.

At the moment i do not deadlift, any info on that is appreciated as i will probably start soon.

I also forgot to mention that i work between 40-70 hours a week so i try to get the best out of my time as i can.
Ok well heres my usual chest routine as of now. I usually always start out on the bench, decline press, overhead press, but the rest of the workout i try to switch up with different chest exercises every now and then.


*210x5* -I grew a set of balls today and threw on 210 after only peaking at 200 for a couple weeks

Decline press

Overhead press


Decine d/b fly/press

3x15 kickups
3x30 incline twists
1x30 incline situps
^^ oh my goodness. that was horrible. You should read the faq asap.
^^ oh my goodness. that was horrible. You should read the faq asap.

like i said, im not a veteran in the gym. I've read the faq. If you wouldnt like to help then dont leave a answer like that. My 5x5 routine is wrong im guessing? Again, im new to this, anyone who will explain and help a little thanks alot
like i said, im not a veteran in the gym. I've read the faq. If you wouldnt like to help then dont leave a answer like that. My 5x5 routine is wrong im guessing? Again, im new to this, anyone who will explain and help a little thanks alot

Well all your answers are in the faq.... But i'll give you a simple summary. Looks like your doing isolation. Thats fine if your bodybuilding. If your trying to build strength and power then it is very very wrong. You wanna stick with heavy compound lifts as outlined in the faq. I would immediately dump decline press, pec flys, and decline db press.
thanks for the advice and the link guys.. I'll probably start training the 5x5 next week. I also deadlifted for the first time today and upped my bench.

weight 182


220x3 *the first rep came pretty good, the second and third i struggled.

Deadlift- Being my first time, i didnt get to crazy and only lifted what i felt very comfortable with


Also i have one question for anyone that can answer. In bill stars 5x5 he strongly recommends to not do any additional exercises. My problem is my arms. For 6'2" I have a very long reach (78-79in") So although i have strong arms, the are not huge and i would like to keep focusing on them to get somewhat bigger. Can i supplement a lift or add some curls and dips into one of these days? thanks