Big Core

The Gubbinz

Oct 17, 2005
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I want to gain approx. 10-15 lbs of muscle and I am not sure what body parts to focus on for KICKBOXING. I was also interested in learning submission wrestling later.

Should I try to gain on my shoulders + arms primarily?

The main focus of this post is for core development. I'd like to gain mass on my core.
Will a bigger core help me? (EX. Chuck Liddell's gut) I don't want to be v-shaped unless that is the best way to go. I don't care what I will look like.
Total body mass increase. Ever notice most good strikers are rather well proportioned and none of their body parts stick out as huge or small.

Just increase the weight by developing all of your muscles.

Start with compound lifts like squats, deads, standing overhead presses, rows, chins, pullups, benches.

While working those kinds of lifts, start eating more and more often.

Finally, don't neglect the striking training. If you want to be a fighter, its still #1 priority so keep rolling/sparring/hitting the bag/hitting the focus mitts/etc.

Work those things extra hard and focus on speed and power.

You DO NOT want to make one part, like say arms, bigger at the expense of everything else. That is not going to help you win fights.
yup, get a good strength routine (check the stickies), and eat more.
TheNerdKing hit the nail on the head. Those basic compuond movements will help your core develop, which also leads to development of all bodyparts. Remember force =mass x acceleration, so don't neglect your speed training (striking speed).
I just want to add - BE PATIENT!

For me, building lots of additional muscle mass correctly (not eating 10 BigMacs a day) takes time, so just stick to the "stickies", eat more good food, and the mass WILL come.
How do I increase speed? Just punch bags/gloves a lot and try as fast as possible?
For speed here is what I find most effective:

Instead of trying to throw every punch with maximum speed, I try to throw combos that use the same hand twice in a row.

I try to make the second punch with said hand as fast as possible.

So something like jab -> cross -> hook -> hook.

Throw the combo normally. That is hard and fast but really try to rip that second hook. This will teach you to recenter yourself after throwing punches which allows you to move between them more effectively.

Dunno if that makes sense but it works for me.

Also, to work on speed, do more focus mitts and work on multi punch comboes and try to do em fast and hard.
Once again I agree with TheNerdKing, but to expand on the topic, outside of striking, try having some Dynamic Effort days when lifting, this will teach you to apply maximum force to every lifting movement (the faster the press the greater the force). (striking) While working on speed do some reaction drills, while this won't make you hit harder it will help you react faster. You can use any stimulus, when you see/hear the stimulus perform your combination as fast as possible then setup waiting for the stimulus again. This would not be a conditioning drill therefore don't try to get really tired doing this.
i find shadowboxing for speed without gloves is good too. But something i found for me when i gain muscle, my hand speed decreases. Since you said you don't really care about what you look like then as a kickboxer an increase is muscle shouldn't really be a goal, unless your seriously underweight. You should really be aiming for max strength, explosive strength, speed strength and strength endurance with minimal weight gain, and ofcourse CARDIO.
Yeah, I was worried about losing speed too. I'm just lingering around 160 and I think I'd like to be around the 170 range.
I think this is why you see tall guys with relatively light frames e.g. Cro Cop. He is 6'2" at 213. I believe he purposively stays around 215 because that is his ideal power/speed to weight ratio.
it's also important to note that to a point heavy lifting will also increase your speed.
yomon said:
it's also important to note that to a point heavy lifting will also increase your speed.

Most definitely; Tank Abbot is a prime example of someone who has little technique, mediocre conditioning and the physical appeal of an orangutan but do I want to take a shot from him? Hell, no.
Speed is a tricky little bugger. Bruce Lee would advocate keeping the muscles loose until the point of impact, at which point all the muscles were engaged to deliver their power. Trick of that is that it's easier said than done.

I prefer to think of my attacking limb as "empty." For instance, when I throw a jab, I basically let my arm fly limp and free, though aimed accurately, of course, until it comes to the point where I will either connect with my target or have reached the last 30
Read some topics. Might I gain more pounds naturally? I'm 19 and slim. Should I focus on heavy weight or light?
Naturally is the best way. Heavy weights, or more specifically, weights that you can only handle a low number of repetitions of, say 1-12 reps, will build you up. Be careful about a weight you can only handle 5 or less reps of, as it increases the risk of damage to your muscles, tendons, ligaments, heart, and probably bones. Not to mention the technique is difficult with that high of weight.
In some other topics they said just by growth people might gain pounds in their early twenties. Man-strength? I think Tito Ortiz said something about this in his latest Sherdog interview. Should this go into consideration or should I just ignore this and lift heavy?
The Gubbinz said:
In some other topics they said just by growth people might gain pounds in their early twenties.

Eh...I'm not sure about just growing. I was a stick in my early 20's: 6'1" and 150lb. Not until I started lifting did I ever gain weight. Though I was only 4% body fat then and I'm 9-10% now (which is good; 4% body fat is pushing the line on anorexia for men), I'm a total of 180lb. This is "good" weight. Yeah, I put on 11lb of fat, but I also put on 19lb of muscle.

On the other hand, I didn't get any taller. Some guys will gain height until they're 25. So, for those guys, they may gain some weight. But if you want to gain some noticeable weight, you're gonna need to pack on some muscle. Unless you just want a high number on the scale. Then you can pack on McCrackRocks---I mean, McDonald's.

But really, if you lift light, it only espouses the endurance fibers in the muscle. Endurance fibers function to make your workloads less taxing, not to build up your maximum strength, so they do not build much for size or weight. They build mitochondria, little powerhouses in the muscle cells. Many bodybuilders will lift a midrange, like 8-12, which still works strength but endurance as well, not to mention a shorter recovery period, hence allowing for a higher volume of weight within the overtraining time constraints (45-60min. per session).
Thanks for advice. Anywhere to find a list of good core exercise?
the glossary. Look up the following: windmills, full contact twists, saxon side bends, bent press, side press, ab wheel rollouts, and dragon flags.

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