International Biden Admin takes next step toward WWIII - Blinken "Ukraine will become a member of NATO"

Hmm, I haven't yet met an American voter who cast their ballot on this attribute exactly. I think he'd be a tough sell to them having not held public office or been successful in business. Lots of folks with lots of politcal experience are terrible in front of crowds or in interviews or photos etc but if we voted based on gas tank he would win I guess.
Well, in some European countries it is common to elect in office persons who earlier had public posts like PMs, Minister of Foreign affairs etc....

Ofc I agree that president should have also popularity in his own country.
While in international scene both Trump and Biden are very boring and looks like predictable half lethargics , sorry for real point here.
How is in this best interest of the American people? Do our politicians even pretend to work for us anymore?
No they don't. Surely the middle aged men Biden imported will take up arms and of course his pink haired soy base. The only war worth fighting for real Americans will ultimately be a Civil War and permanent collapse of the USA. Thank your fellow lib
I'm calling Trump getting in and the proxy war in Ukraine being over within 2 months.

I think in the whole clown world this is one of the funniest weirdnesses, that Trump is a better option for peace!
You will vote for Trump and nothing wrong here , however you are wrong when are calling this as proxy war. Unfortunately for Ukraine It isn't proxy war [ ofc Kremlin's propaganda is telling otherwise. ].
Ukraine is DONE , doesn't matter who will win Trump or Biden. Only clowns can't see reality so easy to see.
BTW if I was Ukrainian with U.S citizenship I didn't had voted in next elections.

Vote for Trump, he at least will be more open to admit that U.S had lost world hegemony Ukraine never will be in NATO ( this most likely is reality regardless who will win Biden or Trump ). Then EU too will be lesser supportive for Ukr and tell them that they doesn't met membership criteria to be full EU member.
Part of Ukraine will be Russia till next Ukraine. Other part will be in debts and dreams till next war.
Why not?

BTW I don't think that for Ukraine will matter who will win POTUS elections. They are ceded for Russia to rule them ....doesn't matter dems or reps.....
I'm calling Trump getting in and the proxy war in Ukraine being over within 2 months.

I think in the whole clown world this is one of the funniest weirdnesses, that Trump is a better option for peace!

Possibly, but peace as a consequence of capitulation to the Russians...and turning his back on Euro know like he's been saying for years.
No they don't. Surely the middle aged men Biden imported will take up arms and of course his pink haired soy base. The only war worth fighting for real Americans will ultimately be a Civil War and permanent collapse of the USA. Thank your fellow lib

Sure thing comrade...when are you taking up arms by the way.
Sure thing comrade...when are you taking up arms by the way.
I wouldn't need arms for soys like you. But your flock of racist perpetual-victim incels on the left don't have a rosy outlook when/if it comes.
You will vote for Trump and nothing wrong here , however you are wrong when are calling this as proxy war. Unfortunately for Ukraine It isn't proxy war [ ofc Kremlin's propaganda is telling otherwise. ].
Ukraine is DONE , doesn't matter who will win Trump or Biden. Only clowns can't see reality so easy to see.
BTW if I was Ukrainian with U.S citizenship I didn't had voted in next elections.

Vote for Trump, he at least will be more open to admit that U.S had lost world hegemony Ukraine never will be in NATO ( this most likely is reality regardless who will win Biden or Trump ). Then EU too will be lesser supportive for Ukr and tell them that they doesn't met membership criteria to be full EU member.
Part of Ukraine will be Russia till next Ukraine. Other part will be in debts and dreams till next war.
Why not?

BTW I don't think that for Ukraine will matter who will win POTUS elections. They are ceded for Russia to rule them ....doesn't matter dems or reps.....
So I wouldn't vote for trump even if I was American but that's an aside, I think the democrats are probably as bad. Fuck em all socialism ftw.

Re Ukraine though, I'm not suggesting it is only America warring against Russia via proxy but that it is a fire they have fuelled happily. It would have been over a lot earlier without them.
So I wouldn't vote for trump even if I was American but that's an aside, I think the democrats are probably as bad. Fuck em all socialism ftw.

Re Ukraine though, I'm not suggesting it is only America warring against Russia via proxy but that it is a fire they have fuelled happily. It would have been over a lot earlier without them.
U.S democrats aren't left or socialists. By european criteria they are something between right wing and centrists, nothing more.
If you want to see far right, watch Le Pen discussions about tax and pensions etc for native french citizens and compare with her yelling how bad is EU etc.... If Le Pen will take office, her voters after 2-3 years will attempt to do revolution because she does support in reality only very rich ppl...I mean very rich not just rich...
I wouldn't need arms for soys like you. But your flock of racist perpetual-victim incels on the left don't have a rosy outlook when/if it comes.
Lol...turn it down comrade you got to keep it at least a tad believable
I wouldn't need arms for soys like you. But your flock of racist perpetual-victim incels on the left don't have a rosy outlook when/if it comes.
ain't it the incels on the right that commits mass terrorism? and isn't MAGA endorsed by the KKK? This is projection merged with retardation at its finest
oh will y'all shut the hell up. This isn't gonna cause WW3 Jesus fucking Christ.

Some of you guys are absolute morons, this isn't. This means they're in NATO and or the EU doesn't mean we're gonna change our current standing. The fixation on WW3 in here is so painful it makes my head hurt.

There should be zero objection to them joining NATO or the EU.
No they don't. Surely the middle aged men Biden imported will take up arms and of course his pink haired soy base. The only war worth fighting for real Americans will ultimately be a Civil War and permanent collapse of the USA. Thank your fellow lib
Log off 4chan, fatso and get your information from somewherelse beyond chronic basement dwellers like yourself.

90% of the money stays in the USA and it is designed for US companies which in return uses the money to produce thousands of jobs for Americans.

Log off 4chan, fatso and get your information from somewherelse beyond chronic basement dwellers like yourself.

90% of the money stays in the USA and it is designed for US companies which in return uses the money to produce thousands of jobs for Americans.

And the war is helping us get rid of old shit we are, A starting to phase out, and B would cost more to upkeep by sitting in a damn storage unit.

we have 8,100 Abrams and 4 or 6k bradlys. Both are getting phased out....M4 rifle? Ya thats getting phased out as well... Amraam missile? About to be phased out for aim-120...F-16? oh no, getting replaced by the F-35 and block 70...

i have zero issue with dumping our old shit to someone whos gonna use it. Give our military a chance to modernize and save money by getting rid of bullshit
oh will y'all shut the hell up. This isn't gonna cause WW3 Jesus fucking Christ.

Some of you guys are absolute morons, this isn't. This means they're in NATO and or the EU doesn't mean we're gonna change our current standing. The fixation on WW3 in here is so painful it makes my head hurt.

There should be zero objection to them joining NATO or the EU.
Only if you count that Putin isn't stupid enough to cause it , because Kennedy definitely came close for similia reasons.