Opinion Biden’s Unpopularity Is More Mysterious Than It Looks

@Rob Battisti, this thread is another example of the difference between just being right-leaning and being a hack. You can hold conservative convictions without insisting that any good news about the economy when an evil Other Party Member is in the WH is fake or generally feeling the need to lie about that stuff.
Was I being a hack in this thread?
But, hey — trump had net negative job growth during his presidency

See, just telling the truth gets you guys mad. You don't have conservative principles; it's just all about partisan propaganda.
Pointing out something like net negative job growth during a world wide pandemic as an indicator of performance is the definition of hackish.

I get that you think telling the truth is hackish if it's something your party would prefer to suppress, but the point is that you can add analysis and opinion *after* first acknowledging objective reality (and one can note that the U.S. job growth was much worse than normal, and the point is that job growth was negative for the entirety of Trump's presidency).

It's similar to this thread. An honest, non-hackish conservative take might be that the incredibly strong growth we've seen during Biden's presidency isn't due to his actions or that the relief package that drove the initial fast growth doesn't pass a cost-benefit analysis. But the hackish response is just to pretend that the economy is bad because The Party is not in control of the WH.
What are the chances @Mr Holmes and rob will admit their mistake like honorable men? I'd say none because it's not a mistake as much as a deliberately false statement.
It’s mostly his age and health. We need at an A level athlete someone 6’3 215 pounds!! Someone we can be certain will beat any other world leader in hand to hand combat.

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