Beyond 5/3/1 - Jim Wendler

@Obscure Terror, the biggest question for me is: What the hell does SVR stand for?

I've been thinking about this for some days and haven't gotten a satisfying answer.
With First Set Last (AMRAP or Multiple Sets) and Joker sets, do you also do assistance lifts after?

Yeah, these things only exist to negate the criticisms of 5/3/1 being too low volume. They rectify this, then you do assistance.

@Obscure Terror, the biggest question for me is: What the hell does SVR stand for?

I've been thinking about this for some days and haven't gotten a satisfying answer.

IMO, Sets/Volume/Reps
Has anyone used the Beyond 5/3/1: Training Maximally template yet? I was thinking about giving it a go.
I thought SVR was Severe Vaginal Rupture. My program was going in a totally different direction.
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Judging by Wendler's last t-nation article this program only works if you blow a shit ton of money on worthless Bio-test supplements.

There's selling out and there's really friggin selling out. I'm out.
Judging by Wendler's last t-nation article this program only works if you blow a shit ton of money on worthless Bio-test supplements.

There's selling out and there's really friggin selling out. I'm out.

Lol, saw that too. 531 stack is the shitz.
Judging by Wendler's last t-nation article this program only works if you blow a shit ton of money on worthless Bio-test supplements.

There's selling out and there's really friggin selling out. I'm out.

Aww, I just looked it up and I was hoping that he was going to have different supps for each week of 531. Still though, he's spending like $35 per workout according to that article...
I think Jim is all about the money now. The forum and now supplement whoring.
I think the issue is that him buttfucking a supplement company is at odds with his trademark stance of "keep it simple, eat food, lift weights, stretch and run". Could be viewed as hypocrisy.
Right. I just assumed all PLers and anyone serious about strength is taking a supp. of some sort anyway.
I kept laughing that he had pictures of himself with him quoting himself.
T-Nation said:
I'd hope that he didn't make those and it's the editors at t-nation doing it.
I think everyone who writes for T-Nation must suckle at the teat of Biotest.
According to t-nation, biotest is the only way to get HAYOOOOOOGE. Without it, we are all sub par beings, grasping at something unattainable. poor us.

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