Movies Better Actor: Morgan Freeman or Brad Pitt?

Better actor

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I can’t pick, and they are so different so it is too hard. But people shouldn’t sleep on Morgan’s Range. He has played detectives, Presidents, inmates, crime bosses, Muslims, soldiers, slaves, assassins, retiree, and even God lol. He has the best voice of all narrator ever.
Brad gets shit because he was seen as a pretty boy. But he is always solid in everything he does, and he commands the screen. He was great in Fury, Bastards, Kalifornia, Seven, 13 Monkeys, Fight Club, and my favorite Snatch. Benjamin Button was also a great performance.
MF is better but i tend to like pitts movies more.
Pitt was terrible at the very beginnings of his career. Worse than Keenu at the beginnings of his. But Pitt really grew throughout his career and challenged himself with very different roles and got quite a bit of range.

That said Morgan wins this. Just more range IMO.
Morgan Freeman has range... of Morgan Freeman.
Hard to say, it’s not black and white..
They fill pretty different roles. I have a hard time comparing them.
Brad just isnt believable to me. When he plays a role, sometimes its like hes just trying too hard, almost forced. Anytime he cries in a movie, which is a lot, its cringe.

Morgans acting style may not differ too much, but some of his roles have definitely hit harder than Brads. Street Smart, Unforgiven, Shawahank, Million Dollar Baby. Even Driving Miss Daisy and Glory.
Hard to say because Freeman plays the same role a lot and Pitt is given huge opportunities simply because he is Hollywood's it boy (he is a solid actor though)
I picked Pitt because when he’s at his best, he’s really mesmerizing. But he’s turned in some real stinkers too. Freeman is always good.
Pitt has gotten better as he’s gotten older while Freeman has been pretty much the same (good, but the same) I vote for Pitt