Best Personal Trainer Certification

As far as I can see, you're the only one throwing out tough guy anonymous speak. EZA and DS were just not quite sure if English is your first language (I don't think it is, based on reading your posts) because a lot of your points are confusing and a bit hard to understand from a syntactical standpoint. It's not some sort of insult to ask for some clarification.

You're not winning any friends here by acting like this. I for one had some respect for you after your initial post, not because I believed what you were saying (I hold a different opinion), but because you at least came in here, stated what you believed, and backed it up with some explanation.

I still would like to hear more on this discussion (particularly between you and EZA, as you both seem to have quite a bit of education), but not if it's going to devolve into a lame, gradeschool argument.

I guess I got a little pissed at his tone when I was trying to debate a topic and he wanted to be a blow-hard. I probably should not have called him a douche. Sorry EZA.

Look at every other ChachiKiller post. I would write something respectfully and helpful (one exception when I was using humor, that I later corrected). It appears that EZA's statement regarding my writing was not based on syntax but rather content (as in his use of the word babbling). While he did not call me a name, he was disrespectful and condescending.

I usually blast through the forum. I will slow down and proof read my future posts for clarity.

I come to learn if possible and to share if possible. Deal with me on that basis.

Calm down. I was trying to understand if your words were as you intended or you just not able to effectively communicate because you didn't speak english natively. Many of your sentences made very little sense from a grammatical and structural standpoint, I just thought you were from somewhere else.

Please explain where in a tire flipping movement there is a rapid switch between eccentric and concentric regimes of muscular activity that are necessary for an exercise to be plyometric? Can you please explain what exactly a plyometric exercise is? How does a plyometric exercise differ from a ballistic exercise?

What does the body position have to do with the starting regime of muscular work? What does the hips, knees, elbowing being bent have to do with their initial regime of work? Are you familiar with the motor ability known as starting strength?

Please explain how it's only a matter of degree to which the slow twitch fibers are activated. In what instances of against a high resistance are the lowest threshold motor units not maximally activated. How would the involvement of the slow twitch fibers retard explosive strength exactly?
Get whatever it takes to allow you to start working.

Once you have client results that will be the only thing that matters.
Since I studied ACSM in school, I guess you meant it is the most clinical. You will learn how and why muscles work from the fibers and up. That will help you really understand what is happening. The exercise programming is very intense as well. I have thousands of hours of training and never hurt anyone. I rehabbed clients that other trainers broke. It came from understanding the exercise and what the true impact on the body would be. Exercise prescription can be learned in a short time.

I think most certs teach you this stuff. I've never hurt anyone either.

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