Movies Best final face off in fiction


Black Belt
May 15, 2022
Reaction score
So gaming, TV, cinema, books. Also explain the logic of your choices.

1. Game: Cloud v sephiroth . ff7
2. TV: Spike v Viscious . Cowboy Bebop
3. Movie: Leon v Stansfield . Leon
4. Book: Winston Smith v Big Brother . 1984

Ff7 is very direct with your built up over the top built up character going manno el manno against his arch following a series of long winded over the top team based fights. Spike taking on viscious was just short brutal and sweet. Leon was a very reality based plot depicting the damage one corrupt detective could do and it's ending is basically die hard condensed into one scene. The 1984 ending was built from start to finish and expands the whole plot with the final result being established from the beginning.

I actually made this thread with the idea of including Rick vs Rick Prime but changed it to cowboy Bebop last second. They kinda do the same thing but CB has that ending and music. I'd have to guess that had to have inspired Rick and moray in some way.
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Cloud vs sperototh? No clue

Spike tv vs viscious? Not a fuckin clue

Leon vs stansfield? Stansfield lost so bad on earth he tried to take over air force 1 in the sky and lost so bad he tried to steal the fif element in space then also lost so bad

Far as mandatory high school reading goes Cathcher and Crucible were better than 1984.

Bowser vs Mario is a better face off than all of these trash options.

Travolta vs Cage with face waterfalls is the ultimate face off and its not even an option in here.

Movies that built up to a climax of the main character fighting the bad guy at the end was basically the story of my childhood.

Karate Kid
3 OClock High
Just One Of The Guys
Best Of The Best
Gotta be Arnie vs The Predator, or Sarah and Reece vs The Terminator. Or Ripley Vs Xeno. All 3 GOATs f Sci Fi action genre with strong characters and brutal fights.

Book would be Maybe STEPHEN Kings The Stand. Good vs Evil.
Video game face off has to be OG arcade Double Dragon. After beating the shit out of an endless gang of thugs, you have to fight your own "brother" i.e. player 2 for the girl.



And after you beat the shit out of him, you end up with the girl.


I'll bet that ho would have been good with either guy.
