best exercise to increase cardio fast


Orange Belt
Apr 12, 2008
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I had soft tissue damage in my neck forcing me to take 2.5 months off training. I have a fight in 12 days and my cardio is shot. What r some exercises to quickly increase cardio?
What type of fight is it?, if it's anything that involves striking then I'd fuck it off as you're gonna get your ass kicked if your cardio is non-existent. (Travis Lutter)

Remember, fatigue makes cowards of us all!

If it's just submission grappling or BJJ then you can give it a go as at worst you can just tap.
I'd try to get some burpee routines going over the next 12 days, that's assuming you do have a basic aerobic fitness level.
unfortunately he doesn't seem to have that in his brain capacity.

with that said, burpees, and HIIT work.



Foz, how's the knee going these days?, I remember you had problems about 8-12 months back, is all well?

Apologies to the TS for hijacking the thread.
it healed up back in january, then I hurt my wrist and had some minor surgical stuff done on it and couldn't lift at all for 2 months, and then last week I hurt the same knee again after a month or so back into lifting haha. hahaha XD

i'm just resting it, and continuing my upperbody work right now. want to get my cardio back but I refuse to swim in the local pool with all the kids urinating in it. so theres nothing easy on the knee I can do right now.

So yeah, it was good, and now it's fucked again.

circle of life I guess.

Jesus! - your luck (or lack of) is unbelievable, how bad is the knee?, as bad as last year?.
I think you're destined to become a couch potato! j/k

Sorry to hear of your misfortune.
mmmm not quite as bad as last time, but it was my own stupid fault cause it was a slight bit sore and I went and did deadlifts and single leg squats that day anyway when I shouldn't have.

I never know when to stop >.> I'm gonna try resting it for as much as possible until I move next month cause I will be able to train BJJ again then at a good school.

Yeah, it's sometimes difficult to ignore the urge to lift when you are injured, most times you get away with it but unfortunately not this time.

Hope the latest rehab goes well, sure we'll talk again over this, take it easy.
nah no rehab just rest lol. should be okay just needs rest. last time I went to the doctor about it he just said to rest it anyways. -.-; and then charged me 180 for the consultation. lovely.

/end hijack

I agree twelve days isn't enough time. You can always fight another day. Don't let your ego get in the way, I would rather come into a fight in the best shape I could.
It takes more of man to turn down a fight...i know old but even holds true in the ring i suppose.
What kind of fight is it? How is your cardio now? You might not be in tip top shape but is your cardio decent? the smart thing would be bail on the fight..i recently turned down oppurtunity to fight because i though i wasn't ready (am mma) and well i regret it and i HATE regretting shit. Just food for though...maybe if it isn't that important of a fight just go in there and warrior you way though it but of course the SMART thing would be re-schedule the fight.
I had soft tissue damage in my neck forcing me to take 2.5 months off training. I have a fight in 12 days and my cardio is shot. What r some exercises to quickly increase cardio?

Shit like this always makes me stare at my pc screen in amazement and wonder why.
Be sure to get back to us with the result.
No exercise can magically increase your cardiovascular conditioning in a short amount of time. If that were true everyone would be using it.

The body needs progressive resistance over time to undergo adaptions, period.
Think interval traning. Sprints, Tabata Interval protocol(squats, deadlifts, snatches, cleans, swings, push ups, burpees, etc), burpees, burpee+push up combos, hindu squats, etc...

although in 12 days you wont have enough's best to postpone or cancel the fight...dont jeapardize your health thing you cant get back once you lose it...
Try lots of sprints, or knee tuck jumps, or just plain old sparring for longer rounds
Do a lot of the training for where you are most comfortable in a fight. And then just try to bring the guy where you want him. Finish the fight fast and furiously haha
wow foz your a dushbag, i have still been training technique, just not hardcore cardio, some of us have a need to compete not just sit at the computer and talk shit

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