Ben Askren UNLOADS on Dana White - "Dana is a bitter man with very thin skin. It's pathetic."

I mean, what he's doing is kinda obvious don't you think?

Try and get into headlines, have enough people care, and make him look like a lucrative signing.

No one outside of hardcore fans actually care about his fights, this is what works these days. Hence the GSP callout and the Dana White beef resurfacing.

Getting into a feud probably increases his chances more than sucking off Dana would
He's right. We all know that Dana is a habitual liar, and at least half of us know that he's a scumbag (see habitual liar for Exhibit A).
Just because Dana talks a bunch of shit to other people doesn't mean he isn't thin skinned/sensitive. The guy has a huge ego, that seems to go largely unchecked, and somebody not bowing down to him is more likely to cause him to hold a grudge than not.

On the other hand, from Askren's perspective, the only way to win probably seemed to be avoiding being a subject of Dana and his bosses, which means not caring about being in the UFC.
That's what happens sometimes with power struggles. Both sides potentially lose/miss out on something in order to stand their ground.

There are people that believe being a businessman requires this behaviour. These are people that know zero about business and think the Apprentice is a documentary. You don't have to act like a total jackass to do business. Not at all .
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Dana vs. Askren. Book it, Dana! Winner fights Tito in boxing.
Woodley and Ben have the same personality (That's why they're best friends) not going to let Dana act out of order and get away with it
Guy is such a narcissist and egomaniac, so is Dana, but Dana isn't the one asking for something
Not sure what to think now.

Option A.

Transparent reverse-psychology tactic on Ben's part. Make Dana mad enough he actually gives him the GSP fight as a punishment.

Option B.

Posturing for the media pulling some Strikeforce-era Nick Diaz shenanigans calling out GSP all the time knowing that fight was almost guaranteed never to materialize.
this is really a kettle pot situation, no offense to Askren. He seems bitter and salty every time he opens his mouth
Ben isn't exactly the greatest person in the world, in his himetown he is universally reviled for the way he conducts himself.
It's almost like the guy who is constantly bringing this up is actually the dude with the thin skin....???

WME should not only hire Askren, but also give him Danas work. Funky for president of the UFC.

We want the funk. Give up the funk!
don't really get him being THAT honest on the heels of him wanting this UFC fight after so many years being on the outside looking in and doing parody videos. he might finally have his chance to get signed and get the fight of his career against GSP but he's gonna risk it by taking a shot at the bald one? just shut the fuck up Ben and it might actually happen. he might have already shot himself in the foot for this.

At this point, Ben has burned the bridge down and the only option is to go even further to piss Dana off so he gets the fight.
He's only saying shit about Dana as an excuse to not fight in UFC
Fuck Dana.Give Ben a fight in the UFC.Make it 1 fight deals and if he ends up being super boring or whatever then don't give him another fight.No big deal.
I actually really like Askren, and would have liked to see him fight in the UFC, but it's as much his fault as it is Dana's. He should have just swallowed his pride and stopped talking shit about Dana 5 years ago. Every time they got close to making something happen, he'd say a bunch of shit about Dana or make a video about Dana and post it on youtube.

At this point, Ben has burned the bridge down and the only option is to go even further to piss Dana off so he gets the fight.

not really. Rogan was saying he was gonna talk to Dana about working something out. the obvious thing would be to tread lightly. bashing him in public and saying he has thin skin is not the way.
Haha, gotta love Askren.

He obviously made enough money to just sit back, stir the shit up and keep his name in the headlines just in case.