Beef Jerky..


Brand Nizzle

Yay or nah?

Beef Jerky is goood. Especially the Terayki kind you can get at target or something. MMmm. It's VERY high in protien, almost fat free, surprisingly low calorie, but the thing is it has a lot of sodium. So what is your opinion?
Beef Jerky is great, but like you said a lot of them have sodium and preservatives, especially the Teriyaki flavor. I used to make my own when I'd go backpacking, it's not that hard to do yourself. I was just thinking the other day that I'd like to find a good online source for some good jerky. If anyone has one, please post it.
Best way to go about it is to make your own. Rather than buying that dog food they sell in stores. Learning how to cook would save most of you young guys a ton of eating dilemmas.
I remember going to a store that was selling ostrich jerky. It was specifically made for protein supplementation. Very good, super-high in protein, and low in sodium. I don't remember what it was called, but I bought a whole bunch at once and crushed it all, quick! I'm going to take the advice and look into learning how to make my own jerky.
They sell ostich jerky at "Planet Smoothie", this smoothie place near my house. Nice
If you have any friends that hunt, deer jerky is good if you like venison. I am so glad hunting season is about here. Anyone have a head's up on the nutritional profile of venison/ cooking tips?
I don't hunt! I feel so terrible killing such a cute animal as a deer.

On the other hand, I have no objection to KTFO'ing someone in the ring. Odd how that is.
Brand Nizzle said:
I don't hunt! I feel so terrible killing such a cute animal as a deer.

On the other hand, I have no objection to KTFO'ing someone in the ring. Odd how that is.
I don't hunt either. Luckily, I have a few friends that do. Besides, if animals weren't meant to be eaten, they wouldn't taste so good or be that high in protein.

If you can, try to make your own as you can regulate what goes in it.
LCDforMe said:

If you can, try to make your own as you can regulate what goes in it.

People jerky?
I love jerky.
How do you make it??
Do you need to cook the meat, or do you just hang it and let it dry?
farmboy said:
I remember going to a store that was selling ostrich jerky. It was specifically made for protein supplementation. Very good, super-high in protein, and low in sodium. I don't remember what it was called, but I bought a whole bunch at once and crushed it all, quick! I'm going to take the advice and look into learning how to make my own jerky.

I bought some ostrich jerky at Smoothie King once...terrible stuff.
I have perused a few recipies, but anybody have one they really like? I have some serano and habanerio (however you spell it) powder my dad dried out so I want to put that on it, with a ton of salt. Do you guys bake it forever or use a food dehydrator. My parents have this good size dehydrator so I might borrow it from them. What do you guys do?
I eat it as a snack..but I pound water all day to counter act all the damn salt
if you make it your self you can avoid all the salt. If you have a double sided grill you can slow smoke it and to me that is the best way... Use some skirt steak and cut it thin.

If not you can do it in a dehydrator and just marinate the meat and stick it on there for a day and vuala........ try any kind of mairnate youlike... Healthy stuff really does taste good. Try using brown sugar, some honey, and some soy sauce......... mmmmm so good.