Be ruled by trash or admit you were wrong?


Red Belt
Mar 2, 2009
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Literally every day, more and more off-putting, concerning and sometimes frightening information comes out regarding the US president, Donald Trump. At best, he's a morally bankrupt liar and swindler, at worst he could be a traitor in collusion with one of the country's biggest enemies.

Despite this however, whenever something new is revealed his supporters continue defending him as vehemently as ever, whether through conspiracy theories about the FBI and Robert mueller, changing the topic to criticism of Hilary Clinton, liberal media and deep state theories, or prejudicial rhetoric. The worse he looks, the deeper they dig in the heels. All while, unless you are a huge corporation, he hasn't done shit to help you. And on top of it, although his supporters are (or claim) to be conservatives, he consistently goes against traditional conservative positions on especially on family values, fiscal conservatism, national security, Christian values and states rights.

What will it take to convince Trump supporters to turn against him? Would proof of perjury or campaign finance violations be enough? From what I see, even if he was proven guilty of either his supporters wouldn't care, it'd just be a fake news liberal conspiracy. Murder? Secrets to the Russians?

To me it seems like the only thing that would convince his supporters to change their minds would be if it came out he was banging Hilary
Was Russia "one of the country's biggest" enemies when Hillary Clinton sold 20% of our Uranium stockpile to them?
Was Russia "one of the country's biggest" enemies when Hillary Clinton sold 20% of our Uranium stockpile to them?

Get your facts straight, scrub

It was 100% of our uranium, 50% of our nuclear arsenal, and 20% of our gold reserves at Fort Knox
To answer the op, the deplorables don't care as long as it pisses off libruls!!
Literally every day, more and more off-putting, concerning and sometimes frightening information comes out regarding the US president, Donald Trump. At best, he's a morally bankrupt liar and swindler, at worst he could be a traitor in collusion with one of the country's biggest enemies.

Despite this however, whenever something new is revealed his supporters continue defending him as vehemently as ever, whether through conspiracy theories about the FBI and Robert mueller, changing the topic to criticism of Hilary Clinton, liberal media and deep state theories, or prejudicial rhetoric. The worse he looks, the deeper they dig in the heels. All while, unless you are a huge corporation, he hasn't done shit to help you. And on top of it, although his supporters are (or claim) to be conservatives, he consistently goes against traditional conservative positions on especially on family values, fiscal conservatism, national security, Christian values and states rights.

What will it take to convince Trump supporters to turn against him? Would proof of perjury or campaign finance violations be enough? From what I see, even if he was proven guilty of either his supporters wouldn't care, it'd just be a fake news liberal conspiracy. Murder? Secrets to the Russians?

To me it seems like the only thing that would convince his supporters to change their minds would be if it came out he was banging Hilary
You seem upset. And quite unhinged.
I think giving amnesty to illegals would push them over the edge.
You do know that if people "decided to turn against trump" you dont just get to wake up tomorrow and select a new president, right? The world doesnt work like that. You CANT always get what you want. Wtf were your parents teaching you?
You do know that if people "decided to turn against trump" you dont just get to wake up tomorrow and select a new president, right? The world doesnt work like that. You CANT always get what you want. Wtf were your parents teaching you?
Who the hell said anything about changing presidents or impeachment? All I want to know is what it will take before his supporters start to change their opinion.
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Who the he'll said anything about changing presidents or impeachment? All I want to know is what it will take before his supporters start to change their opinion.
Well keep swinging. Im sure you'll connect eventually <Lmaoo>
Was Russia "one of the country's biggest" enemies when Hillary Clinton sold 20% of our Uranium stockpile to them?
Unless you're referring to trump having an affair with her, this thread is not about Hilary
I think giving amnesty to illegals would push them over the edge.
Most of us are fine with it actually. Its improved border control we want in exchange.

CNN and the majority of mainstream media confuse many.

Thankfully there is a strong right. Thankfully Trump is President.

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