Barbell vs Dumbbell Bent Over Row


White Belt
Jul 26, 2008
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Hey guys,

I'm doing SS and I've just come home for uni so I'll be using a different gym. They don't have bumper plates, I asked if I could still do power cleans and was told no, so that sucks.

The most obvious option is bent over barbell rows, at least until I can power clean. However, I REALLY dislike this exercise, I'll do it if it's completely necessary, but I find it really hard to gauge just how heavy I should be lifting and find it hard to make sure I'm doing proper form, and whether what I'm actually lifting is legit etc.

Is the dumbbell bent-over row a good replacement? What are the pros and cons of doing this instead? Opinions?

i think there is a version of ss that has chins instead of cleans
do that
oh yeah, I should've mentioned, I'm on the recon ron pullup program Recon Ron Pullup Program,

so i do pullups everyday. I'm on stage 10 so i'm doing plenty enough for lats, when I hit 20 reps I'll incorporate weighted chins and pullups,

However, I really think I'm lacking some sort of lower trap and rhomboid exercises, I haven't really got anything in my training that addresses them directly and I don't feel deadlifts is hitting them hard enough.

So what would you suggest, barbell or one armed dumbbell bent over rows???

oh yeah, I should've mentioned, I'm on the recon ron pullup program Recon Ron Pullup Program,

so i do pullups everyday. I'm on stage 10 so i'm doing plenty enough for lats, when I hit 20 reps I'll incorporate weighted chins and pullups,

However, I really think I'm lacking some sort of lower trap and rhomboid exercises, I haven't really got anything in my training that addresses them directly and I don't feel deadlifts is hitting them hard enough.

So what would you suggest, barbell or one armed dumbbell bent over rows???


well the deadlift will be hitting this muscles wether you think they are or not. Afterall they have to isometrically contract to keep the scapula in place during the lift and think how heavy a deadlift can be. Just do one set of barbell BORs and one set of dumbell bent over rows. Your traps and rhomboids will get enough from the power cleans and deadlifts so just low volume but then again, with low volume means you can go more intense in the one set you are doing.
Isn't SS all with barebells?
OK, just asking. I think that Recon Ron Pullup Program is way too bad. Very fast.
OK, just asking. I think that Recon Ron Pullup Program is way too bad. Very fast.

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "bad," but tons of people use Recon Ron.

I've been using it with success only doing it three days a week, on top of my regular strength training.
I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "bad," but tons of people use Recon Ron.

I've been using it with success only doing it three days a week, on top of my regular strength training.

And you are able to move number of reps acording to linked tables? I found that practically imposible, but must admit that I have never tried program.
yes, Starting Strength is BARBELLS, however, rows aren't even part of the program and neither are chins, that's another variation. It's meant to be power cleans, but I won't be able to do them for the next couple of months.

So back to the original question please! Barbell or Dumbbell rows? forget about SS, which is the 'better' exercise, and why?

Also, i've been progressing on Recon Ron, perfectly, I havent missed a workout for 10 weeks, and I haven't stopped progressing.
I think Barbell rows are better for max strength and power whereas dumbells are nice to use for higher reps 8+
I think you would be ok doing either or both for an assistance exercise. Just mix it up and see what you think. Good luck!

Edit: I can't believe your gym won't let you do powercleans. I can see a fitness gym not allowing clean and jerk, since they are afraid some old lady will walk under the bar when you let it go, but a powerclean is pretty safe and usually under control. Maybe they are confusing the lifts? Might be worth showing them why it is safe to do. :)
Inverted rows with your feet elevated(on a bench) is a good upper back exercise. But if youre already doing lots of pullups they may be too easy.

I think barbell and dumbbell rows are good exercises... do whatever you please.
I personally do BB rows after DL and DB rows after bench... pull ups/chin ups as warm up nearly every day in the gym
And you are able to move number of reps acording to linked tables? I found that practically imposible, but must admit that I have never tried program.

If you can't even do one chin up, clearly the program won't work.

You follow the program exactly as it is.
I used to only do barbell rows, but I've incorporated dumbbell rows recently. I actually switch between the two every week. I like the rest that my back gets on the dumbbell days. Overall, I think barbell rows are more beneficial though.
I prefer dumbbells 'cause I get more ROM and I can really 'squeeze' my back at the top
guys just do both, there both great functional strength exercises for weightlifting and sports especially, wrestling, mma and rugby.
i'd do both im pretty sure i heard keith wassung say good things about barbell rows.
thanks for the replies guys! How would you progress barbell rows for someone who has never done them?

I would be doing them like this:

Workout A:

Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

Workout B:

Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Row 3x5

Monday, wednesday friday, rotating each of the workouts. How should I increase the load on these?


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