Bananas ?


Jun 26, 2007
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What do you think of them?
Do you eat them often?
Do you put them in a bowl of cereal?
What don't you like about them?
What is your favorite way to eat them?
Do you peal from the top or the bottom?

Let's discuss this thing because I am eating one now in a very non homo way and I just got to looking at it and what a strange thing it is. What is this things real purpose in life? What was it going to do if it had not reached my desk in my office and ended up skinned and eaten raw?


Bananas rock, I don't understand people who don't like bananas.
I heard this terrible joke from this quebecois dude I worked with long ago. for some reason it stuck with me.
it went something along the lines of:
him: "how do you peel a banana? with three or four sides?"
me: "uhh.. three"
him: "good, that means you don't like four-skin"
him: *french laughter*
1 banana, 2 banana, 3 banana 4.....

Bananas are awesome, I always have one before hitting the gym.

Always peel from the top.

Might have them in porridge with a bit of honey, don't really eat cereal.

Andy Warhol painted a nice picture of one, used on the cover of The Velvet Underground and Nico.

It's a fruit, so I think bananatrees grow out of em under the right circumstances. I like bananas, not when they're not ripe yet, then they are sour. When I eat em, I always peel it all the way, throw the peel away and then it eat, some people find that weird.
Love 'em. No homo.
Peanut butter, nutella, and boonanas in a sammich. Nomnomnom
They are the most healthy tasty fuel snack, imo. But what most people don't know is that bananas have a very mysterious nature.
I eat one banana a day around 12:30. I don't love them but it's a light, healthy snack to keep me satisfied until dinner. I probably eat them like a homo.
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