
Have you tried DMT?
THoughts on the actual trip?
What was the space you did it in?
Did they have land to roam about while doing it?
Would you consider a trip to SA for a more authentic experience?
Have you tried DMT?
THoughts on the actual trip?
What was the space you did it in?
Did they have land to roam about while doing it?
Would you consider a trip to SA for a more authentic experience?

Guy, the experience is authentic wherever the fuck you are. Why would it be more authentic in South America. They didn’t invent dmt
Guy, the experience is authentic wherever the fuck you are. Why would it be more authentic in South America. They didn’t invent dmt
They did create the drink which this thread is based on, and I was told it is better down there than what I had on my retreat. Want to see if he might think the same. It is a different experience in different environments, like many psychedelics.
Do you think that the demons are machine elves like that uneducated bald fuck on the podcast? Also, why do you take it?

PS I'm just being sassy. I'm genuinely curious.
So what type of shit did you see

It was like having all your strongest emotions poured into a bucket mixed in with kaleidescope memories and images and poured slowly all over you, the purging is almost like the travel sickness you might get from travelling from one world to the next.
It was like having all your strongest emotions poured into a bucket mixed in with kaleidescope memories and images and poured slowly all over you, the purging is almost like the travel sickness you might get from travelling from one world to the next.

Where did you do it, how much did it cost? Why Portugal specifically? Did you feel different/Better afterwards?
I know people talk about these overwhelming visions and experiences. My biggest takeaway was diarrhea and puking. I can get that with Taco bell and a few 40s of Malt Liquor.
I’d like to try. I mean, I crap my brains out every now and then without the supernatural experience
What was the setting, were you in a group?

Was there music involved, if so what was it?
It was like having all your strongest emotions poured into a bucket mixed in with kaleidescope memories and images and poured slowly all over you, the purging is almost like the travel sickness you might get from travelling from one world to the next.

Sounds like mushrooms to me, I don’t like the heavy emotional content but it serves its purpose.

Did you perceive any entities?
See any snakes?
Was it conducted by a proper shaman? Where there other participants and if so did you share any visions?
Sounds like mushrooms to me, I don’t like the heavy emotional content but it serves its purpose.

Did you perceive any entities?
See any snakes?
Was it conducted by a proper shaman? Where there other participants and if so did you share any visions?

Definitely not, I've done heavy mushroom trips this wasn't like that, it was like an intensity on another level.
Portugal is in Europe....why would you do a Ayahuasca "Ceremony" there? Did they charge you?


Reminds me of those "Sweat Lodge" Ceremonies ran by Europeans who charge money and claim to have been taught by a real indian medicine man.....