Locked AVENGERS: ENDGAME Thread v.1

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2 things driving my thought process on this particular point:

1. Thanos simply didn't need luck. He was a step ahead the entire time, and they made that very clear.

2. He was smart enough to know Thor wanted to watch him die. He wasn't gonna appear out of nowhere and kill him instantly, he was gonna make sure he got to look in Thanos's eyes as he died. Assuming Thanos was well aware of this isn't a leap for me, it's in keeping with his character. At every turn he was psychologically one step ahead of everyone. To me it was true until the end. So I don't think I'm making an assumption in saying Thanos knew Thor would still leave him the chance to snap.

I just don't see luck and Thanos going together. He didn't need it. The only time he seem surprised was when Quill pulled the trigger on Gamora.

It was him saying "you should of killed me when you had the chance". He knew Thor wanted to kill him, but he knew just as much, Thor wanted to watch him die. Thor just destroyed his home for his people, and the second he thinks he's got them safe, Thanos appears and slaughters them all. Even in this sense the movie starts with Thanos taking victory from people right when they think they've secured it. Thor wasn't gonna respond with a quick killshot, and Thanos knew it.

I don't see how you can argue it wasn't a consistent theme in the movie. You can pretty much summarize Thanos as "the guy who gives you hope just to take it away". Every time he triumphs over a good guy, he gives them hope first.

Ok, what movie were you watching man? What do you think the point of Glaive saying "let him have his fun" was? He was very clearly toying with the Hulk.

Thanos let's Hulk overpower him before grinning and overpowering him. If Thanos is that strong and that competent as a fighter, the encounter would've never got to that point unless Thanos was toying with him.

I'm not saying he was faking it. He was very clearly mortally wounded. But he knew if Thor got to him, he'd try to hurt him badly first before killing him. And he was completely right.

But has time to crack a joke? Doesn't fit.

This is much more of an assumption than any I've made. You could tell by his face he was in uncharted territory and was experiencing something he didn't expect for the first time in the movie. Him "teleporting off to heal himself" doesn't make much sense for a guy wielding the gaunlet. He could've made Stormbreaker fly out of his chest and up Thor's ass if he wanted to while simultaneously healing himself completely.

I just think it was a pretty clear theme in the movie and I'm confused at people missing it entirely.

He could've tossed her right away. He let her realize what was happening before slowly dragging her to her death. To me the biggest sign of how misguided he was. His most sadistic act was ultimately how he told the only person he loved, that he did. He wanted her to know he loved her, right before murdering her. It was great insight into just how fucked up he is.

1)You're giving Thanos far too much credit and Thor not enough. Yes, Thanos likes to torture his opponents - as long as it doesn't put his Plan at risk. There was no risk in torturing Quill by giving him the opportunity to kill Gamora, since he knew Quill was no threat and he could stop it at any time. That's also why he didn't bother to kill the rest of the Guardians; he was arrogant and it very nearly came back to bite him in the ass when Mantis put him to sleep. if it wasn't for Quill going Full Retard, Thanos would have lost everything on Titan. Again.

This is exactly what happened with Thor; he got arrogant, figured the Axe was no real threat to him and ended up with it sticking in his chest. As one of the other posters pointed out, Thanos telling Thor, "You should have aimed for the head" is him acknowledging that he done fucked up, and that Thor could very easily have got the win then and there.

2)Do you even Train teh UFC, bro? Seriously, how many times have you seen fighters weather the storm of an opponent's first attack, then come back and knock them the fuck out? I already gave you one example with Fedor's brother. Here's another one: Cain vs Lesnar. Brock charges out and tries to overwhelm Cain right from the first bell. He manages a take down, but Cain simple bounces back up and starts throwing powerful, clean shots at his much bigger, stronger opponent. And we get Break Dancing Brock.

Maw isn't telling the others to let Thanos, "Have his fun" because he knows Thanos is faking being on the ropes. He says it because he knows the Hulk doesn't have what it takes to put the Mad Titan down for the count. He knows Thanos likes a good brawl, and that he will eat a few shots to get his own ones in. And then Hulk is getting KTFO.

Seriously, man, you're the only guy in this thread who's making this argument. Everyone else here sees hoof-prints and thinks Horses. You're the only one who's talking about Zebras. That's why you're confused everyone else isn't seeing what you are in Thano's actions. Because it's not there:rolleyes:
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2 things driving my thought process on this particular point:

1. Thanos simply didn't need luck. He was a step ahead the entire time, and they made that very clear.

2. He was smart enough to know Thor wanted to watch him die. He wasn't gonna appear out of nowhere and kill him instantly, he was gonna make sure he got to look in Thanos's eyes as he died. Assuming Thanos was well aware of this isn't a leap for me, it's in keeping with his character. At every turn he was psychologically one step ahead of everyone. To me it was true until the end. So I don't think I'm making an assumption in saying Thanos knew Thor would still leave him the chance to snap.

I just don't see luck and Thanos going together. He didn't need it. The only time he seem surprised was when Quill pulled the trigger on Gamora.

It was him saying "you should of killed me when you had the chance". He knew Thor wanted to kill him, but he knew just as much, Thor wanted to watch him die. Thor just destroyed his home for his people, and the second he thinks he's got them safe, Thanos appears and slaughters them all. Even in this sense the movie starts with Thanos taking victory from people right when they think they've secured it. Thor wasn't gonna respond with a quick killshot, and Thanos knew it.

I don't see how you can argue it wasn't a consistent theme in the movie. You can pretty much summarize Thanos as "the guy who gives you hope just to take it away". Every time he triumphs over a good guy, he gives them hope first.

Ok, what movie were you watching man? What do you think the point of Glaive saying "let him have his fun" was? He was very clearly toying with the Hulk.

Thanos let's Hulk overpower him before grinning and overpowering him. If Thanos is that strong and that competent as a fighter, the encounter would've never got to that point unless Thanos was toying with him.

I'm not saying he was faking it. He was very clearly mortally wounded. But he knew if Thor got to him, he'd try to hurt him badly first before killing him. And he was completely right.

But has time to crack a joke? Doesn't fit.

This is much more of an assumption than any I've made. You could tell by his face he was in uncharted territory and was experiencing something he didn't expect for the first time in the movie. Him "teleporting off to heal himself" doesn't make much sense for a guy wielding the gaunlet. He could've made Stormbreaker fly out of his chest and up Thor's ass if he wanted to while simultaneously healing himself completely.

I just think it was a pretty clear theme in the movie and I'm confused at people missing it entirely.

He could've tossed her right away. He let her realize what was happening before slowly dragging her to her death. To me the biggest sign of how misguided he was. His most sadistic act was ultimately how he told the only person he loved, that he did. He wanted her to know he loved her, right before murdering her. It was great insight into just how fucked up he is.
It's your interpretation that's fucked up. I can't be bothered arguing with ya anymore. You're gonna see what ya wanna see whether it's there or not.
1)You're giving Thanos far too much credit and Thor not enough. Yes, Thanos likes to torture his opponents - as long as it doesn't put his Plan at risk. There was no risk in torturing Quill by giving him the opportunity to kill Gamora, since he knew Quill was no threat and he could stop it at any time. That's also why he didn't bother to kill the rest of the Guardians; he was arrogant and it very nearly came back to bite him in the ass when Mantis put him to sleep. if it wasn't for Quill going Full Retard, Thanos would have lost everything on Titan. Again.

This is exactly what happened with Thor; he got arrogant, figured the Axe was no real threat to him and ended up with it sticking in his chest. As one of the other posters pointed out, Thanos telling Thor, "You should have aimed for the head" is him acknowledging that he done fucked up, and that Thor could very easily have got the win then and there.

2)Do you even Train teh UFC, bro? Seriously, how many times have you seen fighters weather the storm of an opponent's first attack, then come back and knock them the fuck out? I already gave you one example with Fedor's brother. Here's another one: Cain vs Lesnar. Brock charges out and tries to overwhelm Cain right from the first bell. He manages a take down, but Cain simple bounces back up and starts throwing powerful, clean shots at his much bigger, stronger opponent. And we get Break Dancing Brock.

Maw isn't telling the others to let Thanos, "Have his fun" because he knows Thanos is faking being on the ropes. He says it because he knows the Hulk doesn't have what it takes to put the Mad Titan down for the count. He knows Thanos likes a good brawl, and that he will eat a few shots to get his own ones in. And then Hulk is getting KTFO.

Seriously, man, you're the only guy in this thread who's making this argument. Everyone else here sees hoof-prints and thinks Horses. You're the only one who's talking about Zebras. That's why you're confused everyone else isn't seeing what you are in Thano's actions. Because it's not there:rolleyes:

Walk off KO right here, lol.
Hulk by kneebar CONFIRMED.

Hulk will go back to train with master Rickson for the rematch.


I feel bad the actor is getting shafted in these movies. Very few of these characters are actually interesting on their own, so it's not like the character of Hawkeye is any less interesting than Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, etc.

His character has as much potential as any of them. I'd like to see them use him instead of bringing in new characters.
I feel bad the actor is getting shafted in these movies. Very few of these characters are actually interesting on their own, so it's not like the character of Hawkeye is any less interesting than Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, etc.

His character has as much potential as any of them. I'd like to see them use him instead of bringing in new characters.

Hawkeye is lame compared to everybody else in the MCU. He shoots arrows.
Ultimate Hawkeye would have been a much cooler character, but 616 Clint Barton is a snoozer.

Hawkeye is lame compared to everybody else in the MCU. He shoots arrows.
Ultimate Hawkeye would have been a much cooler character, but 616 Clint Barton is a snoozer.

You can't tell me he's any less interesting than Cap, Thor or Black Widow. Thor wasn't remotely interesting until Ragnarok. (Aside from the first Avengers; Wheedon did some good stuff with some lame characters.)
You can't tell me he's any less interesting than Cap, Thor or Black Widow. Thor wasn't remotely interesting until Ragnarok. (Aside from the first Avengers; Wheedon did some good stuff with some lame characters.)
You shut your fucking mouth about Cap, bruh.
Am i the only one excited to see ant-man? any ant-man fans here?


Btw i didn't expect the ant-man movie to be good. I'm pretty scared if ant-man + wasp is gonna live up to the hype.
You shut your fucking mouth about Cap, bruh.

Sorry, man. Cap has the capacity to be the richest character around, but he's not. I really liked Civil War, though. I wouldn't say he was interesting, but they built an interesting story around him.
You can't tell me he's any less interesting than Cap, Thor or Black Widow. Thor wasn't remotely interesting until Ragnarok. (Aside from the first Avengers; Wheedon did some good stuff with some lame characters.)
The first 2 Thor movies suck, but Thor is infinitely more interesting than pretty much any of the MCU heroes outside of Spider-Man.
And look at the Captain America movies. Do you think Clint Barton could have carried Winter Soldier or Civil War? With a bow and arrow? Nah.

Its close with Widow, but thats the MCU fault. They only really explored her potential in Avengers 1 when she stumbled on that meeting in Trump Tower:

Widow isn't as good as a PG character.
The first 2 Thor movies suck, but Thor is infinitely more interesting than pretty much any of the MCU heroes outside of Spider-Man.
And look at the Captain America movies. Do you think Clint Barton could have carried Winter Soldier or Civil War? With a bow and arrow? Nah.

Its close with Widow, but thats the MCU fault. They only really explored her potential in Avengers 1 when she stumbled on that meeting in Trump Tower:

Widow isn't as good as a PG character.

Thor and Cap have the potential to be interesting, but that potential is largely untapped. When they did finally make Thor interesting, they did it by completely changing his character and the type of movie he's in. I would rather see a good Hawkeye movie than the first two Cap or Thor movies.

And a good Hawkeye movie isn't unreasonable. Almost every Hollywood movie is about a man with no special powers who brings down massive villains.
Thor and Cap have the potential to be interesting, but that potential is largely untapped. When they did finally make Thor interesting, they did it by completely changing his character and the type of movie he's in. I would rather see a good Hawkeye movie than the first two Cap or Thor movies.

And a good Hawkeye movie isn't unreasonable. Almost every Hollywood movie is about a man with no special powers who brings down massive villains.
Clint Barton is a D-level Steve Rogers without the history and rogue gallery. Plus his signature skill, archery...., just doesn't work onscreen.
And the manlet playing him can't make him cool. On the contrary, the MCU movies have actually done a disservice to Hawkeye and that is saying something.
To make a cool Hawkeye movie they would have to do a complete 180 with the character and even recast him.
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