Atlanta Ousts Fire Chief Who Has Antigay Views

I had to do a double take when I read that too. I wonder what it says lmao. I think it's pretty fair seeing as the fire dpt is a public organisation. (i think?)

I saw it before, its kinda tame. Says that homosexuality is sinful, lumps it in with bestiality, the normal stuff you would expect at a church.

Not something the boss should be handing out though.
The guy wrote that all gays should be killed?

Ok that is really going too far. I agree that he should be reprimanded for that.

The article doesn't give any info on content other than saying it refers to gays as vile and vulgar sinners that dishonor God. I doubt it actually says gays should be killed.
Kinda funny to think of a wing nut fire chief writing his own religious tomes and handing them out at work. Regardless of what it says, that is pretty insane. What was he thinking?
The great and terrible thing about liberalism is that it can claim to be limiting freedom of expression in the name of preserving identity.
First I would be offended by being given religious material by my boss.... but I would probably let it slide and not say anything.

Then once I read it I would be offended at what I perceive to be ignorant and hateful religious propaganda, and would say something.

If it was just gay bashing material without the religious dressing would you still consider it acceptable as a boss to hand this stuff out?

First how did you know that it was pripaganda or something like that?
Second how did you know that it was "gay bashing material without the religious dressing"?
You can't know it, dude
Third you can just say 'thanks' and trash it
1)If your boss gave you a religious book containing passages that condemn homosexuality what would you do?

2)If he had given them the Koran or the Holy Bible which condemn homosexuality too what would have happened?

1)Say, "Cool,thanks", then toss it in the kindling or recycling box. Not think about it again.

2)Say "cool, thanks", then donate it or the kindling/ recycling box. Not think about it again.
if his beliefs didnt interfere with his job, then leave him be. however, if he wouldnt save a man in a fire if he knew that said man was gay, then definitely fire him.
The issue isn't the tenor of his beliefs. Or even if he was right or wrong in trying to hamfist them on others in the work area

What matters was that his conduct would have eventually got the dept sued. He was either purposely fucking around blinded by zeal or ego (same thing), or simply stupid. Either way, it's very poor leadership on his part. It's good he's he's didn't have the basic sense to understand the climate of this day and age.

It's like with Micheal Jackson sleeping the same bed with children. Either was diddler, or crazy or just so far removed from societal norms that even if his intentions were pure he deserved to get sued for being a dumbass.
First how did you know that it was pripaganda or something like that?
Second how did you know that it was "gay bashing material without the religious dressing"?
You can't know it, dude
Third you can just say 'thanks' and trash it

This post hardly makes any sense at all but I will try to address your questions.

Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population toward some cause or position.

The comment you wrote in your OP: "a religious book he wrote containing passages that condemn homosexuality."

Seems to meet the criteria of propaganda to me.

I said "IF" it was gay bashing material without the religious dressing would you still find it acceptable? The question mark means it's a question to others to answer. I asked this question because I think society allows condemnation of people based on religious beliefs. Without shielding the condemnation of gay bashing material through the veil of religion would it still be considered appropriate or acceptable.

Yes I could throw it out. If some guy knocked on my door at home and tried to distribute this material to me that is exactly what I would do. However I would hold my employer and a public official to a higher standard than just some joe schmoe on the streets. He should know what is appropriate in a work environment and what is not.

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