Atama vs Sirius


White Belt
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry guys, I know this should be in the equipment section but I figured more gi players would see it here. Anyways, I was thinking about picking up another gi and wanted to hear opinions on the Sirius gis, especially how they compare to the Atamas.
got about a dozen atamas hanging in the school. they hold up so very well. the big difference is fit. so it becomes a personal choice. Both are tough, atamas fit me better.
I am sponsored by Sirius so I guess I should state that up front.

Anyway, I have 2 Atamas and 2 Sirius. Although I like my Atamas, the Sirius fit a little better and are more comfortable. That is my opinion regardless of the fact that I am sponsored.
I hear from ATT Atama is the best gi's out there for the price
Funny that this thread just got bumped. I'm in the process of ordering a Sirius right now. What's the shrinkage on the color gis like?
sirius feel softer than my atama gold weave....not good???
i have an atama and it is my second favorite gi next to my Mkimonos..