And once again, I didn't say Twitch is an echo chamber.
You said viewers on Twitch just like to hear opinions they agree with, which implies when they hear opinions they disagree with they stop watching.
That's the definition of an 'echo chamber.'
I said it's not a source of quality commentary on politics and similar issues. It'd be a stretch to even argue it's a good source of general cultural commentary.
The viewers on Twitch, regardless if they're watching Asmongold or Hasan, disagree.
Which begs the question what 'source or quality commentary on politics and similar issues' would you recommend?
MSNBC? They wish they had the viewers these Twitch streamers have.
Which is why I noted that this is why you don't go to Twitch for insightful political commentary. There are far better sources of left and right political commentary available.
Such as?
Talent, luck, algorithm going their way, it's the same as most media and entertainment to be honest.
A more specific word you're probably looking for is 'authenticity' which no one with a producer writing their scripts for them to read off a teleprompter has.
Building an online audience does not equate to actual insight and expertise in political or social commentary. Again, are titty streamers good commentary just because they can command large followings?
Ability isn't a straight popularity contest.
No one is jerking off to Asmongold or Hasan's streams.
No one would subscribe to their OF if they had an OF.
Titty streamers are irrelevant to this discussion and bringing them up shows how desperate you are.
Did I say primary or secondary school teachers are good sources of commentary.
You haven't said anywhere is specifically a good source of commentary.
I brought them up as we've all had bad teachers that didn't give a fuck.
Regardless if it's school subjects or 'commentary,' we all wanted to learn more and be 'educated' on a wealth of subjects about life.
And its very clear that some 'teachers' are far better than others.
Now if we're talking higher ed, then yes person for person you're gonna find better commentary usually if their field aligns with the topic.
Oh this is ironic.... because the only person I know of that was an accomplished and accredited academic that has built a noteworthy online presence is.... Jordan Peterson.
And the type of people what have endlessly criticized Professor Peterson from his initial online fame from protesting Canadian speech codes.... are people like you Avenue94.
So, I'm going to be busy over the next few days with little time to drop by the thread. If I could say something to Asmongold's critics it'd be this...
Thank you.
In this day and age someone becomes famous by being attacked online, and its quite obvious leftists have been attempting to discredit Asmongold because he's not in the 'Turning Video Games Into Leftist Propaganda' movement, and he puts a spotlight & celebrates their failures like Veilguard, Concord, and this new game that no one knew about until it failed.