Asking all Sherdoggers to help me find something?>


Green Belt
Jul 2, 2024
Reaction score
I have asked twice now, without insult and in a respectful way for help in finding out where on, in the days leading up to event we can see the FIGHT TIME for an event.

Both request have been treated with absolute hostility by Mods who find this request for information to be offensive and been even more hostile via DM, telling me i will not be told where to find it, and to figure it out.

To say the least i have shocked that Mods are so sensitive to this question and see such insult in it but i truly want to know and have said multiple times 'perhaps i am just dumb and keep missing it', as a way to say i am not saying it is not there.

Here is the Main Fight Page Information page we would all go to in the days before the fight and again, if there is a start time there, i do not see it. Yesterday and prior there was also an article under 'More From Sherdog' which i do not see now, which gave details on the Event but again, no fight time i could find.

Two mods have basically told me 'it is there but they have no interest in helping me find it and to figure it out', so here i am asking Sherbro's to help me figure it out.


Part of the history with the mods and the aggression to this question below which the mod told me i could post to see how others would see it.


It was not a thread but was two single posts deleted by @PurpleStorm with a warning about flaming posted in the UFC Fight NIght 244 thread.

I merely asked, without a single insult why a site like Sherdog, a source for MMA information, does not post within Event Announcement, the time events starts. I even said, 'maybe i am missing it'? I think the TIME of an event is core information for MMA fans who want to plan around an event. But the last couple events i have had to leave SHerdog and use google or go to other sites to get that data.

PurpleStorm first pointed me to the event page, but i then pointed out neither there or the other main post on the home page have the "time' (again unless i am missing it) and he suggested then there is always 'google'.

I said, yes i know there is google, but that was my point. Why would the premier MMA site want us to leave to use google? Isn't trying to be the home for MMA information'?

That is when my posts were deleted and the post put up that mod bashing or whining, would not tolerated.

I am absolutely taken aback and hope another MOd can read my deleted posts as there is nothing there that would qualify in those regards. I can only guess that me saying 'should not Sherdog try to be the home of MMA information and not want people going to google' was seen as deeply offense to him????

I would like some help understanding what is allowed if not asking 'what time fights start' and 'why does not not post that info'?
I take a lot of issues with your post here.

Check your tone, the staff here are humans who are volunteering their time and if you cannot talk to them without being rude, disrespectful and condescending then you really don’t have to talk to them at all.

The preview thread your discussing is a passion project @PurpleStorm took up on his own accord to provide a service to the posters that was previously absent and is valued by the community.

If you’ve been following this sport as long as most people here you’d be aware of the constant changing bout orders, withdrawals, subs and cancellations. It’s literally constant all the time. There’s only 2 things guaranteed on fight night. That’s when the prelims start, and when the main card starts. Anything else is shoved around consistently to accommodate production, the live atmosphere, and cancellations. You’ll notice the main card and prelim card start times are conveniently located in the title of the designated discussion thread the night of the event.

If you wish to have additional information I’d encourage you to spear head a fight scheduling passion project in which your free to update the rest of us on what you claim to be a severely easy task and see how it works out for you when your wife needs to chat for 30 minutes, the bout order changes, and thousands of sherdogers decide to remind you that you’ve made a mistake. It’s not as simple as you seem to think it is, and maybe before you go off ripping people apart and being condescending, you should try it on yourself first. I for one look forward to you demonstrating to the rest of us how mind numbingly simple this all is.

Google is a thing, ya know?
Google is a thing, ya know?
ha yes. That is the answer both Mods said dismissively and angrily.

My point being i cannot imagine IMDB, wanting to be the lead source for movies, telling anyone who asked 'why do you not list the names of actors in the movies' and them reply 'google is a thing'.

Most sites that set out to be the LEAD for 'MMA' or 'Movies' or 'Music' would not want to send you outside the site to get the most basic information.

Or maybe i am wrong and you guys think that is good business and how things should be done???
ha yes. That is the answer both Mods said dismissively and angrily.

My point being i cannot imagine IMDB, wanting to be the lead source for movies, telling anyone who asked 'why do you not list the names of actors in the movies' and them reply 'google is a thing'.

Most sites that set out to be the LEAD for 'MMA' or 'Movies' or 'Music' would not want to send you outside the site to get the most basic information.

Or maybe i am wrong and you guys think that is good business and how things should be done???

I'm no mod here, have no idea what goes on but maybe due to cancelled fights last minute, the time is subject to change. I mean IMDB displays the cast of a film before it's set for release. Comparing a sporting event to a movie/TV show is silly.
I'm no mod here, have no idea what goes on but maybe due to cancelled fights last minute, the time is subject to change. I mean IMDB displays the cast of a film before it's set for release. Comparing a sporting event to a movie/TV show is silly.
No the mod's themselves said that one of the only things that is typically set for sure is the 'start time of the prelims and main event' while everything else tends to change more.

Anyway, so what. You set up an information page for UFC XYZ in three days, and say Prelims Start time is ABC, subject to change'.

They tell us who the fighters are even though that is subject to change and often changes so why not the start time.

But again that misses the point. My simple question on this topic was met with outright hostility from 2 mods' and accusations and threats, that go beyond what you see in the bottom of my opening post in this thread. Why?

Why is it wrong to ask 'Why does create an Event Information Page and NOT also provide us 'start times'?

Why is that question so threatening to them? I dare anyone to read above and tell me what needs to be "checked in my tone"?
@ChosenOne. I'm sorry. Looking back, I should not have deleted those posts.

I hope you continue enjoying sherdog. And that you'll accept my sincere apology.
@ChosenOne. I'm sorry. Looking back, I should not have deleted those posts.

I hope you continue enjoying sherdog. And that you'll accept my sincere apology.
If it is sincere, and i believe it is, i appreciate it, as i truly asked in good faith as someone who thinks the addition of that information will only make even more the key source of MMA data that people will come for.

It is very rare that someone owns a mistake as you did and i thank you for it.

I hope @Zebra Cheeks reads it and also owns it as he amped the threats to me 10 fold basically daring me to post this thread to see how other mods would take it. I did and the result is not what Zebra Cheeks thought. Instead the thread has lead to understanding and agreement but lets see how he takes it. For many people they find it impossible to reverse once they take a position. Especially in Sherdog, sadly.
If it is sincere, and i believe it is, i appreciate it, as i truly asked in good faith as someone who thinks the addition of that information will only make even more the key source of MMA data that people will come for.

It is very rare that someone owns a mistake as you did and i thank you for it.

I hope @Zebra Cheeks reads it and also owns it as he amped the threats to me 10 fold basically daring me to post this thread to see how other mods would take it. I did and the result is not what Zebra Cheeks thought. Instead the thread has lead to understanding and agreement but lets see how he takes it. For many people they find it impossible to reverse once they take a position. Especially in Sherdog, sadly.
if purples cool I’m cool, and we don’t have a problem. Apologies if I came in strong.