Arrest made in black Mississippi church burning


I want to see the people who said I was cray-cray for saying there was a .1% chance this was an actual Trump supporter.
There's nothing wrong with what I said. Its not like I said it was definitely a Trump supporter, I just wasn't committing to any one story given the information we had at the time and that doing so wasn't the best idea.
How did they get suckered, the church still burnt down?
I hope they put the arsonist away for a long time. I am wondering can they also charge him with a hate crime? I think the fact he wrote vote Trump makes it a hate crime. He was targeting a group, which happens to be Trump voters.
He burned down the church he attended. Hold on, let me burn my house down, spray paint Trump on the side and see how many liberal morons will fund it.
The 'Vote Trump' gave it away. Way too cheesy.
Yep pretty much. All these incidents are perpetrated by people who are obviously mentally ill and NEVER faced any real discrimination and just do shit that they think stereotypical racist white people would do. Like in that other thread where the Indian guy spray painted "KKK" like they're a street gang or ever operated like that.

Bil Burr once said real racism today isn't overt, it is something you look over your shoulder before you say something and you always preface it with "You know I'm not racist but...."

All this horse shit of completely overt incidents of racism are very rare today.
God damn. People are fucking loons. Hopefully whoever did this is brought to justice quickly.

Also, in before, "It was a liberal false flag attack perpetrated by BLM!".

So obviously this Trump supporter was simply trying to tear down a symbol of oppression. It would be racist NOT to burn down that church. What a patriot.

I'm sure there are black people in that community that are having second thoughts about going anywhere near a voting booth in that area. It will help in that regard. It's called Terrorism.

Thats pretty fucked and *deplorable*. I do think some Trump voters are dumb enough pull that stunt -- i do think some Hillary voters are diabolical enough to set that up; especially with concern of how low the early black vote has been this election. But, i am going to believe this was done by a racist with malicious intent.

Side note, as a non believer of a deity -- i always thought black churches would be the most fun / least likely for me to fall asleep in.

I can't wait to piss on the graves of the white supremacists who did this.

You're underestimating the alt-right folks. With all the post ironic meta memes they produce I wouldn't be too shocked if they thought of something like this. I would only be slightly surprised because I would figure they wouldn't have time to pull something like this off in between shitposting on forums and tweeting memes.

So, when is Trump going to denounce this terrorist act, and all who would take such action?

Hate to see this but this is what Trump brings. If he actually won you would see this a lot more as people would think it was now acceptable

No man.. Just.. No..
If you use that rationale, then you might as well hazard that Black church members back in the 60's torched their own churches too.
No Rip, No..
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So all the "experts" like Fawlty were wrong? I'm SHOCKED.
Why are you quoting me @ripskater ? Do you have anything to say?
Fake news MSM probably a Trump supporter
You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm just rubbing it in man;)
Rubbing what in? I even said ITT I was skeptical that a Trump supporter did it, I just thought the likelihood of one doing it was higher than .1%.
Rubbing what in? I even said ITT I was skeptical that a Trump supporter did it, I just thought the likelihood of one doing it was higher than .1%.
Because you said there was even a chance of it being a Trump supporter. You must be shamed.
Was there ANY hate crime that was blamed on Trump Supporters that was actually legit? Or where they all just liberals lying to increase fear