Movies Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jack Nicholson - Who's the most charismatic actor? (The Finals)

Who's the most charismatic actor?

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Arnold. Hands down.

Jack is great. He's got the kevorka 100%.

But Arnie became the biggest movie star in the world without acting chops or even elocution. The body? Yeah. But even his bodybuilding career was carried higher because of his presence and attitude (as Segio Oliva, Tom Platz, and Mike Mentzer.)
Does Jack even know what's best in life?

It kind of depends on how you define charisma. Arnie has tremendous presence - actually met the guy once - but he isn't really someone you always want to be around. Nicholson has a less imposing presence, but he is the guy everyone wants to be around at a party.

Giving it to Nicholson, because you have to kind of twist the definition to see what Arnie has as charisma - but the guy has an imposing presence and indomitable character which emanates off him.
Jack Nicholson is the GOAT.
That is all.
Weird question but definitely Arnold. Nicholson is the far more decorated and versatile actor, that's not questionable but he often played tortured characters.
AHHHNOLD is a cartoon character larger than life and all these sorts of things. Charismatic? Depends on your definition of that term.

Jack, from Easy Rider to Five Easy Pieces to The Shining and beyond, is a true Hollywood legend who bleeds charisma IMO.

Don't get me wrong, love Arnie. Actually met him in Sacramento at the LE Memorial event, very gracious guy, although not a fan of his 'fuck your freedoms' rant.
Jack Nicholson is the better actor by a long shot, but I think more will remember Arnie 50 years down the road.
Arnold and it's not even close. Nicholson is a great actor. Arnold can't act and became popular anyway. His whole career is based on charisma.

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