Crime Armed Venezuelan gang takes over apartment complexes in Aurora Colorado

I've always found it telling the libs like to pretend to be the champion of the illegals when all they really want them for is to exploit them for cheap labor doing jobs you wouldn't let your kids do.

I'm a lib and don't think anyone should be exploited. I think farmers should be paid a fair wage and I'm willing to pay more for produce. I also think the health of people working in the fields should be a critical consideration.

I worked in floral import for a very long time and did a lot of business with dozens of farms in southern California. Almost everyone in every field was Mexican.

Huge farms like Mellano had workers on temporary visas, they had barracks on site for their workers. I have no idea if the pay was fair, but the workers returned year after year which suggests it was. One of them eventually started his own farm in Carlsbad.
To be 100% fair this story is particularly muddy because of the players involved. You have a Mayor and a Councilwoman who have a distinct narrative agenda here, but the Mayor is also a Republican trying to not have this be one of the first "Republican run cesspool City" things to go against the normal indictment of Democrats, which is why all the reactionary turds are focused on the Governor and President, whereas in Chicago and Detroit, the crime narrative was always aimed at Democrat Mayors whenever the State had a Republican Governor and Trump was in office.

A Republican can never be blamed. Unless they're a Republican who doesnt like Trump openly.

You also have the fact that the very residents they are advocating for are speaking out against the narrative, and being ignored. So not only are they catching sh*t for local idiots thinking they're gangbangers, but people supposedly advocating for their safety are ignoring them about who the threat actually is, they are saying the threat is the property management company and being told "no no. Its hour own people. That's how it always is with you people."

And now you have TYT pundits, who have definitively adopted a "we are smarter than everyone, and we are more fair than anyone to all sides" position seeing that report about the law firm and automatically believing it for 2 reasons. 1) it says "law firm." 2) they've been randomly picking topics they think progressives approach wrongly, and espousing right wing talking points on them because they feel its more politically tenable. They did this with trans rights, and they admitted it on-air. And they did this with crime.. they believed all the "organized gangs shoplifting" hysteria despite the evidence admitted in Congress that corporations made that sh*t up. Noe they're doing that with this. Cenk and Ana have become willing to sacrifice marginalized people's perspectives and rights to further their "enlightened centrist" portrayal they've adopted.

I've been watching stories on this as they come out; I'm not sure how much of this is lack of critical thinking and how much is inspired hackery.
I'm a lib and don't think anyone should be exploited. I think farmers should be paid a fair wage and I'm willing to pay more for produce. I also think the health of people working in the fields should be a critical consideration.

I worked in floral import for a very long time and did a lot of business with dozens of farms in southern California. Almost everyone in every field was Mexican.

Huge farms like Mellano had workers on temporary visas, they had barracks on site for their workers. I have no idea if the pay was fair, but the workers returned year after year which suggests it was. One of them eventually started his own farm in Carlsbad.

There's almost no context in which certain types of people will concede that their partisanship is doing all the talking. If you advocate for immigration reform, it's because you support illegal immigration because you want more votes for your preferred candidates. If you distinctly say you want migration legal and more streamlined, the majority demographic starts crying about them being replaced, despite the fact that they just dont do the jobs these people do. When you point that out, they say you just want cheap labor. If you say you want them fairly compensated, they'll go back to the narrative that you want to replace the majority demographic with your preferred demographic.

The majority demographic who hasn't the foggiest f*cking idea what these people do to get by, nor how many children also have to do it:

And how it feels to them when they're trivialized for the gain or agenda of someone else:

For reference he wasnt calling him "white"...that Coach's real last name was "White." Good flick based on a true story, where a group of migrant kids whose families make up the town of McFarland, CA, became a State Championshop Cross-Country team. But first he had to be among them, and understand what they want and need:

The real guys:

Oh but I'm sorry. This thread is supposed to be about how all migrants from south of the border are just a scourge on American society and values. My bad.
I'm a lib and don't think anyone should be exploited. I think farmers should be paid a fair wage and I'm willing to pay more for produce. I also think the health of people working in the fields should be a critical consideration.

I worked in floral import for a very long time and did a lot of business with dozens of farms in southern California. Almost everyone in every field was Mexican.

Huge farms like Mellano had workers on temporary visas, they had barracks on site for their workers. I have no idea if the pay was fair, but the workers returned year after year which suggests it was. One of them eventually started his own farm in Carlsbad.
People aways confuse highlighting that issue with endorsing it. It's just dishonest. Al these people want their cake and to eat it to: We don't want illegal immigrants but also we don't want grocery prices to rise.

I think it's better to think of this is a reason why these workers deserve a path to citizenship, they've already sacrificed for citizens and paid their due (if you think citizenship should be "earned")
Funny how the left says “but some residents say it isn’t true” as if they don’t have to go home to the gangs every day. If violent gangs control your living space, it’s unlikely you will feel compelled to go complain to the media about it, You might be compelled to publicly deny it and get the attention off of them though.

They don’t understand how extortion works
Makes you wonder how many people living in those apartments are still voting anti-Trump in November.
They will all still vote against Trump. Democrats do not change their votes in the end. They will continue to make the same mistakes. Why do you think Chicago and Illinois keep voting Dems in decade after decade despite the rampant corruption and increase in crime year after year.
People aways confuse highlighting that issue with endorsing it. It's just dishonest. Al these people want their cake and to eat it to: We don't want illegal immigrants but also we don't want grocery prices to rise.

I think it's better to think of this is a reason why these workers deserve a path to citizenship, they've already sacrificed for citizens and paid their due (if you think citizenship should be "earned")
These are the same people who grumble when states increase minimum wage for fast food workers
Funny how the left says “but some residents say it isn’t true” as if they don’t have to go home to the gangs every day. If violent gangs control your living space, it’s unlikely you will feel compelled to go complain to the media about it, You might be compelled to publicly deny it and get the attention off of them though.

They don’t understand how extortion works

But they DID complain to the media. You're just accusing them of lying because you want to believe what you want to believe. Residents absolutely went to the media. Residents took the video all this takeover hysteria is based on. Residents sought an audience with the Mayor.

You're saying they're lying, because they didn't say what you want to be true.

Michael is a typical modern day leftist... So far gone left up his ass, he sees Ana as far right because she's calling out massive failings of Democrat policies.

A few blue maga shit libs on here told my Jill Stein was a right winger.
But they DID complain to the media. You're just accusing them of lying because you want to believe what you want to believe. Residents absolutely went to the media. Residents took the video all this takeover hysteria is based on. Residents sought an audience with the Mayor.

You're saying they're lying, because they didn't say what you want to be true.

A former resident named Cindy Romero took the viral video of the armed gang members patrolling the apartment complex. Released after she got the fuck out of there and apparently out of that state. Perhaps given to police first as that was right before a murder.

She says they have taken over the complex. She said something you don’t want to hear even though she has removed herself from the situation and unlike current residents has no need to pretend what’s happening is not happening for her own safety.

If your home is controlled by murderous thugs and the only people that have the power to stop them would rather people think nothing is happening…then you do say what you have to say when people put a camera in your face.

Landlord forced to sell Colorado apartment complex after it was taken over by Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua

Jared Downing
Published Sep. 8, 2024, 10:50 a.m. ET

A Colorado landlord has agreed to sell a troubled apartment complex that was taken over by the violent Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua.

Landlord Zev Baumgarten has been fighting with the Denver suburb of Aurora over the Aspen Grove after the city accused him of allowed it to become a trash-ridden, gang-infested hellhole, according to records obtained by the Denver Gazette.

Baumgarten is also the owner of another apartment complex where a viral video showed a crew of gun-toting thugs breaking into a unit, according to the Gazette.

Baumgarten’s company has now agreed to sell, lease, or find some “similar disposition” for the complex — which was shuttered in August, displacing some 300 residents, the Gazette reported.


More than 300 residents were evicted from Aspen Grove apartments in Aurora amid code violations and criminal activity.

His company Nome Partners LLC must also pay to clean up the site.

Baumgarten’s company blames a takeover by Tren de Aragua for the dismal state of Aspen Grove.

One investor told the Denver Post that police had known about the gang problem at Aspen Grove for nearly a year. The investor said the situation got so bad that staff abandoned the site, allowing trash to pile up and the building to go to ruin.


Residents protest the landlord in Aurora, where Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has set up shop in at least three apartment complexes.AP

In June, attorneys for the landlords had sent letters begging police and local officials for help, claiming Tren de Aragua had “forcibly taken control” of Aspen Grove. The city finally deemed the site a “criminal nuisance” and evicted the residents.

Last month, a video surfaced at a separate apartment complex showed a gun-toting crew breaking into a unit.

That’s when Baumgarten found himself facing more than 80 charges for building code violations, ranging from vermin infestations to power outages.

Though he puts the blame on gangs, prosecutors pointed out that a second Baumgarten-owned complex, Fitzsimons Place, which was also shuttered in August, had code violations dating back to 2020, according to local publication Westword.

That property, too, had been overrun by migrant gang members, as has a third site in Aurora, a suburb of Denver that opposed its neighbor’s “sanctuary city” policy that has allowed more than 42,000 migrants to enter the city.

Now, Aurora is feeling the fallout — with residents complaining of shootouts and other criminal activity tied to Tren de Aragua.
A former resident named Cindy Romero took the viral video of the armed gang members patrolling the apartment complex. Released after she got the fuck out of there and apparently out of that state. Perhaps given to police first as that was right before a murder.

She says they have taken over the complex. She said something you don’t want to hear even though she has removed herself from the situation and unlike current residents has no need to pretend what’s happening is not happening for her own safety.

If your home is controlled by murderous thugs and the only people that have the power to stop them would rather people think nothing is happening…then you do say what you have to say when people put a camera in your face.

She said they have taken over the complex...from another State. You're not even stopping to ask yourself that if they had taken over the apartment complex then why did the Mayor even go there? That's a weird thing to do if you think a building is autonomously run by gangs. Why wasnt there an immediate shutdown executed by this Republican Mayor? Why did he refuse to meet with the residents, which prompted them to call their own press conference? The whole thing is on video where they show their faces, speak out against the landlord, and show the conditions of the building.

The Police work for the Mayor my guy, and the only thing that's happening is there is processing paperwork to clear the entire building. Which is the exact same thing this absentee landlord had done the last time their building fell into disrepair. Know what that does? It creates a scenario where the landlord can have residents relocated without paying for it. Taxpayers will pay for it. Right now the residents of the building are trying to get a meeting with the City BEFORE that happens to state their case...against the landlord. This is not about people showing their faces, their receipts, and loudly declaring their position to protect gangs.

Landlord forced to sell Colorado apartment complex after it was taken over by Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua

Jared Downing
Published Sep. 8, 2024, 10:50 a.m. ET

A Colorado landlord has agreed to sell a troubled apartment complex that was taken over by the violent Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua.

Landlord Zev Baumgarten has been fighting with the Denver suburb of Aurora over the Aspen Grove after the city accused him of allowed it to become a trash-ridden, gang-infested hellhole, according to records obtained by the Denver Gazette.

Baumgarten is also the owner of another apartment complex where a viral video showed a crew of gun-toting thugs breaking into a unit, according to the Gazette.

Baumgarten’s company has now agreed to sell, lease, or find some “similar disposition” for the complex — which was shuttered in August, displacing some 300 residents, the Gazette reported.


More than 300 residents were evicted from Aspen Grove apartments in Aurora amid code violations and criminal activity.

His company Nome Partners LLC must also pay to clean up the site.

Baumgarten’s company blames a takeover by Tren de Aragua for the dismal state of Aspen Grove.

One investor told the Denver Post that police had known about the gang problem at Aspen Grove for nearly a year. The investor said the situation got so bad that staff abandoned the site, allowing trash to pile up and the building to go to ruin.


Residents protest the landlord in Aurora, where Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has set up shop in at least three apartment complexes.AP

In June, attorneys for the landlords had sent letters begging police and local officials for help, claiming Tren de Aragua had “forcibly taken control” of Aspen Grove. The city finally deemed the site a “criminal nuisance” and evicted the residents.

Last month, a video surfaced at a separate apartment complex showed a gun-toting crew breaking into a unit.

That’s when Baumgarten found himself facing more than 80 charges for building code violations, ranging from vermin infestations to power outages.

Though he puts the blame on gangs, prosecutors pointed out that a second Baumgarten-owned complex, Fitzsimons Place, which was also shuttered in August, had code violations dating back to 2020, according to local publication Westword.

That property, too, had been overrun by migrant gang members, as has a third site in Aurora, a suburb of Denver that opposed its neighbor’s “sanctuary city” policy that has allowed more than 42,000 migrants to enter the city.

Now, Aurora is feeling the fallout — with residents complaining of shootouts and other criminal activity tied to Tren de Aragua.

Come on man, quoting a Rupert Murdoch tabloid? Hasn't Rupert's outlets had to pay out enough money for lying to be considered unworthy of trust?