Crime Armed Venezuelan gang takes over apartment complexes in Aurora Colorado

Aurora Mayor: I think we're the victim of a failed policy at the Southern Border.

Maybe Aurora PD already has some Venezuelan nationals on staff and they know the nuances of dealing with these gangs

Saw this story being discussed in Twitter. The left deflection is the mayor there is a Republican. Like he had anything to do with the Biden admin flying and bussing illegals to denver, a sanctuary city that wanted them, and then spilling over to other areas.

Same thing happened in NY, where red areas tried to turn back busses and refuse to house them, but the NY governor said too bad

Even if the mayor did have some plan and the resources to implement it. If it were all effective, you know Garland and the DOJ would send a threatening letter telling them to stop or face charges
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They shouldn't have access to America is more like it
They are here. We need some illegals/migrant labor or else food prices will go up. We just don't need the bad actors. There are some people willing to pick fruit for a few years to get citizenship. I can't really hate on that. I can lift heavy ass weights everyday with no real issue. I wouldn't last too long picking strawberries for 7 hours a day.
They are here. We need some illegals/migrant labor or else food prices will go up. We just don't need the bad actors. There are some people willing to pick fruit for a few years to get citizenship. I can't really hate on that. I can lift heavy ass weights everyday with no real issue. I wouldn't last too long picking strawberries for 7 hours a day.
And there lies the problem
Is that kid holding a scoped hunting rifle? 😆😆😆

Smart picking a state with unarmed granola hippies.

1. Be armed
2. Don't open the door
3. If they open the door, open them up with hollow points
4. Clean their spinal columns and skulls predator style
True, if it was Texas it'd be a different story

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They are here. We need some illegals/migrant labor or else food prices will go up. We just don't need the bad actors. There are some people willing to pick fruit for a few years to get citizenship. I can't really hate on that. I can lift heavy ass weights everyday with no real issue. I wouldn't last too long picking strawberries for 7 hours a day.
It takes a lot longer than a few years
Colorado is a dump

Everyone there acts like a retarded stoner 24 7 and goes to bed at 8 pm and pays a million dollars for a house and thinks theyre the smartest person alive

Very beautiful place, VERY annoying ppl live there
I’ll have you know, I stayed up until at least 11 last night, watching Sandlot with #3
Didnt pay nowhere near 1m for my house but it’s getting close to that
Definitely the dumbest in my group of Ebuds
Will definitely be taking the birds hiking and/or tubing down clear creek, for the long weekend

You’re right about it being beautiful tho
Colorado is a dump

Everyone there acts like a retarded stoner 24 7 and goes to bed at 8 pm and pays a million dollars for a house and thinks theyre the smartest person alive

Very beautiful place, VERY annoying ppl live there
It's like California, Oregon and Washington. Beautiful scenery yet many people that live in those areas ruin it.
And there lies the problem
Food prices are relatively cheap in America for a reason. Around 70 percent of the labor force used in farming are born overseas. Roughly half of that are undocumented. It's backbreaking work and not every migrant is willing to do that type of work. Some of them don't really get the federal minimum wage and are considered independent contractors that are paid per task. They still have to pay taxes on 4-7 dollars an hour wages.

The government always does this spectacle of cracking down on illegals then going just kidding. Both sides are awful with this issue. Republicans can't talk about increasing legal migration and work visas. Democrats assume every person that crosses the border illegally is a future scholar.
Food prices are relatively cheap in America for a reason. Around 70 percent of the labor force used in farming are born overseas. Roughly half of that are undocumented. It's backbreaking work and not every migrant is willing to do that type of work. Some of them don't really get the federal minimum wage and are considered independent contractors that are paid per task. They still have to pay taxes on 4-7 dollars an hour wages.

The government always does this spectacle of cracking down on illegals then going just kidding. Both sides are awful with this issue. Republicans can't talk about increasing legal migration and work visas. Democrats assume every person that crosses the border illegally is a future scholar.
So that's worth what's happening in Colorado right now? Nah, not to me. Venezuelan criminals, by the bus loads.

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So that's worth what's happening in Colorado right now? Nah, not to me. Venezuelan criminals, by the bus loads.
Do you want to pay 10-15 dollars for a head of lettuce? Food prices will skyrocket if we paid workers appropriately for that type of labor. We have always used illegals for our labor. Outright banning illegal immigration will cripple the country. There is a reason Republican lawmakers have to backtrack when they enact laws against illegals. They push these laws through then talk about loopholes to the law so there isn't a mass exodus of illegals from that state. This type of labor keeps the country running.

I don't want to make generalized statements but the Venezuelan issue is something else. Some of the men aren't heading for the farms. They are coming in and getting weapons easily. I don't know what the solution is. You can outright ban Venezuelans but it would also exclude families that really need help. America has been messing with Venezuela for more than 100 years. We have toppled multiple Venezuelan governments, assassinations, sent spies and sanctioned them. Some of the Venezuelans are this way because of American intervention on their soil.
Do you want to pay 10-15 dollars for a head of lettuce? Food prices will skyrocket if we paid workers appropriately for that type of labor. We have always used illegals for our labor. Outright banning illegal immigration will cripple the country. There is a reason Republican lawmakers have to backtrack when they enact laws against illegals. They push these laws through then talk about loopholes to the law so there isn't a mass exodus of illegals from that state. This type of labor keeps the country running.

I don't want to make generalized statements but the Venezuelan issue is something else. Some of the men aren't heading for the farms. They are coming in and getting weapons easily. I don't know what the solution is. You can outright ban Venezuelans but it would also exclude families that really need help. America has been messing with Venezuela for more than 100 years. We have toppled multiple Venezuelan governments, assassinations, sent spies and sanctioned them. Some of the Venezuelans are this way because of American intervention on their soil.
The Venezuelan issue? Or the boarder being wide fkin open issue? There's not one, without the other. We always had workers, without a wide open southern border.
The Venezuelan issue? Or the boarder being wide fkin open issue? There's not one, without the other. We always had workers, without a wide open southern border.
Huh? Spending for the border has gone up. There are 4 times the agents now vs the 90s. There are record breaking arrests at the border numbering in the millions. The border isn't more open than before. It is actually the opposite. It's more people are trying to come here. There are people coming in from Africa, China, Central Asia and all over the world. It is a policy issue.
Lol.. so many of the criminals have emigrated from Venezuela that the country is safer than it has been in decades.
Huh? Spending for the border has gone up. There are 4 times the agents now vs the 90s. There are record breaking arrests at the border numbering in the millions. The border isn't more open than before. It is actually the opposite. It's more people are trying to come here. There are people coming in from Africa, China, Central Asia and all over the world. It is a policy issue.
exactly Biden has let in LESS people than trump as a percentage. its just that we have so many coming over many of them brought by cartels who are making a business out of it.

we really need a new border bill and policy.