Arlovski had a great run

They are mad Andrei made so much money his last fights.
Who? The UFC?

They could have cut him whenever they wanted. They let him fight out his contract despite 4 losses in a row

they werent mad at his contract they agreed to pay him that shit.
He overstayed his welcome and tarnished his legacy. He sucked all the air out of the arena and all the homes of everybody watching on tv with every safe boring decision just so he could keep collecting checks. It started with everyone begging him to retire and turned into people demanding he retire. People got sick of it. Im still pissed off about it. Even Rogan was going off on him the last broadcast saying this doesnt belong on a UFC event.
He overstayed his welcome and tarnished his legacy. He sucked all the air out of the arena and all the homes of everybody watching on tv with every safe boring decision just so he could keep collecting checks. It started with everyone begging him to retire and turned into people demanding he retire. People got sick of it. Im still pissed off about it.

He had some bad fights but I still love the motherfucker. DIdnt tarnish shit for me. As glad as I am for it to be over, he aint payin for no beer in this town.
They just liked her enough to do it, plain and simple.
Dana was talking highly of her during the post presser and actually seemed sad to see her go out like that so yeah. I think it's safe to say he did like her enough to put together a video package for her.
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Some Sherdoggers: Yes, I realize that Arlo didn't retire, but still, it was his last fight on the contract, they should have made some celebration for him, maybe a cake

But seriously now
MIchelle's last finish: December 2016

Arlos' last finish: May 2015
I like Waterson enough but seriously.. She was hardly ever a contender in the UFC and Arlovski is a former HW champion.

Dana still bitter he left to fight Fedor? Lol

Arlvoski DID NOT WANT a package video

Arlovski DID NOT WANT to retire

UFC werent "mad at the money they had to pay him" because they agreed to pay him that money in the first place

If they decided they didnt want to pay him that anymore they could have cut him ages ago, like they did with Overeem.
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Arlovski had a great run of getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to put on dogshit fights. Seriously, when was his last good fight? That one with Browne was 9 years ago.
Arlovski had a great run of getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to put on dogshit fights. Seriously, when was his last good fight? That one with Browne was 9 years ago.
He was a good measuring stick for the new signings. If he beat you, the UFC knew you sucked. They kept him on the prelims cos ppl still liked him and his name added value to the card on a base level
Credit to the man. He fleeced UFC with those performances and was basically scamming the system making bank. Wmma does it too
People were already calling for him to retire in 2011. Its crazy that he went on so long after that. Granted thats largely just because the UFC kept him around. They could have easily cut him 7 years ago when Tybura handed him his 5th loss in a row, or 5 years ago when he'd gone on a 4 fight losing streak.
I can imagine Dana’s frustration with arlovskis latest performances. Dude was given so many chances to stay in the UFC yet was very unwilling to engage. Arlovski don’t have that killer instinct anymore he’s just there for a decision and paycheck. Also the UFC don’t make retirement tributes without permission arlovski was straight up cut.