Arlovski Clubbell Info!

I feel about clubbells a lot like I do kettlebells.

Cool novelty, can definately be useful but way too pricey and touted as more useful than they are.
CarnalSalvation said:
I feel about clubbells a lot like I do kettlebells.

Cool novelty, can definately be useful but way too pricey and touted as more useful than they are.
Kind of like shoe horns...
Man, I remember when I was little, and my grandpa had all these weird mac daddy shoe horns. I was jealous.
CarnalSalvation said:
Man, I remember when I was little, and my grandpa had all these weird mac daddy shoe horns. I was jealous.

man, that is such a grandpa thing to have. mine was a kook and collected antique yardsticks.
My other grandpa had a McDonalds toy fetish. 1000's of them....filled his whole damn basement up with those things.
CarnalSalvation said:
Man, I remember when I was little, and my grandpa had all these weird mac daddy shoe horns. I was jealous.

What is with shoe horns? I mean, honestly, can people not just put their own thumb in the back of their shoe to keep it from folding as you put your foot in??? Do you HAVE to have a shoe horn??? Maybe they serve some other purpose that only grandpas know of... hmmmm....

I wish I had shoe horn hands... *sigh*
300 dollar leather shoes = shoes that will last you a lifetime.
same shoes without using a shoe horn = 300 dollar shoes that look like they cost 50 bucks.

I think I read that in some metro magazine full posing as a men's mag... men's health maybe, maybe maxim...
Urban said:
300 dollar leather shoes = shoes that will last you a lifetime.
same shoes without using a shoe horn = 300 dollar shoes that look like they cost 50 bucks.

I think I read that in some metro magazine full posing as a men's mag... men's health maybe, maybe maxim...

someone who buys 300 dollar leather shoes = someone who touches goats. hehe
yeh clubbells seem like a pretty crappy fad and anyway you can do most the exercises with your sledgehammers!
What do these things have to do with Arlovski?
Ya'll mafockas are taking me back...LOL!!! Good memories. Is it showing my age to say that my Dad had a full collection of those old metal shoe horns? I think his were hand-me-downs from his Pops though since they looked pretty ghetto.

Keeping in line with Dad also had one of those "chest expanders". It had two black plastic handles with three big black rubber bands that ran between them. You pulled the handles apart and it would supposedly expand your big sexy chest.

Oh, and remember the "bullworker"? He had one of those too. I can remember trying to close that damn thing when I was a little kid and it was like the hardest thing in the world.
Shoe horns are the key to functional strength!
Naw man, I'm telling ya'll...the BULLWORKER is the key to functional strength. If you can close that bad boy then you don't even need to train martial arts. You can just reach up and squeeze dude's head like a grape.
This is how I made mine. buy a plastic softball bat (preferrable red) and cut a hole at the tip of it. Then fill it wil concrete. Then hit your sister or neighbor.
Fedorable said:
This is how I made mine. buy a plastic softball bat (preferrable red) and cut a hole at the tip of it. Then fill it wil concrete. Then hit your sister or neighbor.

yeh heard/read this somewhere before aswell, definatly going to give it a try, if only for a good weapon.
Stick or pipe + 1.25 lb weights from play it again sports = clubbell. to add more weight, just add more plates, or exchanges some for heavier plates. Simple and it'll cost you like 50 bucks for a whole set of CB's