Are you thinking about taking BJJ????


Orange Belt
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Well you should!!!!

This maybe boring for some of you to read, but i just need to let people know how amazing BJJ is. I am 27, i just started BJJ 3 or 4 months ago. It is a great workout and so much fun. I trained Muay thai, about 7 years ago for almost 5 years. i was looking for something new. something i can learn and have a wicked workout. So i checked out a local BJJ gym. And it has been absolutely great.

The first month was me getting submitted, i didn't care. But once i got my first submission i was on cloud 9. It was all i could talk about for 3 or 4 days. my wife is so sick about hearing about BJJ. I think you will always remember your first sub. But it doesn't stop there, you start rolling with blue belts and purple belts, and you start to see that you can last a little longer before they catch you. I have noticed a huge improvemnet and a few of the blue belts have commented that i am doing very well, and that just fuels my fire to learn all i can about BJJ. I started buying books, dvds, and have a shit-load of vids downloaded on my computer.

I guess the point of this thread was to help out people if they were considering BJJ, you should definetly try it out. I love sports, have played sports all my life. I never even swung my golf clubs this year because i would rather go to the gym and roll. I am not playing hockey this winter because i want to concentrate on getting better. I think MOST of you will fall in love with it if you try it. Thanks for listening.

ps. and now, when the guys get together to watch pride or UFC, they look to me for play by play, and what a guy has to do to finish or defend a sub, its pretty cool

pss, on a side note, if you are a blue belt, never underestimate a white belt, i caught 2 blue belts in armbars in a matter of 20 to 30 seconds. i just fell back into my guard and got them. man was i pumped about that. they didn't seem to impressed. and for some reason my wife wasn't impressed, lol

Thanks for taking the time and responding
Loaf10 said:
Well you should!!!!

This maybe boring for some of you to read, but i just need to let people know how amazing BJJ is. I am 27, i just started BJJ 3 or 4 months ago. It is a great workout and so much fun. I trained Muay thai, about 7 years ago for almost 5 years. i was looking for something new. something i can learn and have a wicked workout. So i checked out a local BJJ gym. And it has been absolutely great.

The first month was me getting submitted, i didn't care. But once i got my first submission i was on cloud 9. It was all i could talk about for 3 or 4 days. my wife is so sick about hearing about BJJ. I think you will always remember your first sub. But it doesn't stop there, you start rolling with blue belts and purple belts, and you start to see that you can last a little longer before they catch you. I have noticed a huge improvemnet and a few of the blue belts have commented that i am doing very well, and that just fuels my fire to learn all i can about BJJ. I started buying books, dvds, and have a shit-load of vids downloaded on my computer.

I guess the point of this thread was to help out people if they were considering BJJ, you should definetly try it out. I love sports, have played sports all my life. I never even swung my golf clubs this year because i would rather go to the gym and roll. I am not playing hockey this winter because i want to concentrate on getting better. I think MOST of you will fall in love with it if you try it. Thanks for listening.

ps. and now, when the guys get together to watch pride or UFC, they look to me for play by play, and what a guy has to do to finish or defend a sub, its pretty cool

pss, on a side note, if you are a blue belt, never underestimate a white belt, i caught 2 blue belts in armbars in a matter of 20 to 30 seconds. i just fell back into my guard and got them. man was i pumped about that. they didn't seem to impressed. and for some reason my wife wasn't impressed, lol


Welcome to BJJ.
i remember my first was a guillotine from my guard when we were rolling with strikes up against a wall (cage) kicked ass
My first submission was a forward choke. It was cool because my dad saw it since he needed to give me a ride home that night. He was happy that his money was doing something good.
What on earth is a forward choke?

I've been doing BJJ for over 3 years and have never heard of that submission. Is that a guillotine?!

*must have uniformity in BJJ technique descriptions*
Loaf10 said:
pss, on a side note, if you are a blue belt, never underestimate a white belt, i caught 2 blue belts in armbars in a matter of 20 to 30 seconds. i just fell back into my guard and got them. man was i pumped about that. they didn't seem to impressed. and for some reason my wife wasn't impressed, lol


Good post, and I had the same elation when I first started.

I don't underestimate white belts. But c'mon, man. You've got 4 months of training and you're telling me to watch out for you!!? Puhleeze. Thankfully, I've never been subbed by a white belt since getting my blue 18 months ago.
johil d'o said:
Good post, and I had the same elation when I first started.

I don't underestimate white belts. But c'mon, man. You've got 4 months of training and you're telling me to watch out for you!!? Puhleeze. Thankfully, I've never been subbed by a white belt since getting my blue 18 months ago.
I am not saying i can sub every blue belt in the world, WATCH OUT FOR LOAF. i am just bragging!!!
My first submission was on my brother when i was about 6 years old!! Head-lock playground style
ColtonS said:
My first submission was on my brother when i was about 6 years old!! Head-lock playground style
Nice, it is a classic
no offense, but if you were doing muay thai, why did you feel that BJJ is such a workout?....if youve got a coach worth a crap, muay thai is probably the most intense workout you can get, from any sport.
I can't remember my first submission.

I do remember the first time I americana-ed a massive bodybuilder type though. I got him in mount and my knees barely touched the floor. He screamed rather than tapped (total noob, bless). That was a good first.

I remember my first blue belt sub, the first and only time I choked someone unconscious and my first loss in competition (wish I could forget that though).

My gf pretends to care who I've submitted, which is nice.
TwIsTeD&BrOkEn said:
no offense, but if you were doing muay thai, why did you feel that BJJ is such a workout?....if youve got a coach worth a crap, muay thai is probably the most intense workout you can get, from any sport.
i just find rolling a better workout, i am soaking after it
I dont remember my first submission I caught someone with, prolly either a rear naked choke or a guillotine. I dont keep track of what I do when Im rolling in class. If Im doing really bad that day and getting subbed left and right I notice that but I never keep track of how many times I sub people or with what or anything, its just rolling. I need to get back in the gym. Summer has been rough for me. Havent been there in two weeks. Got my blue like a month ago and with all the shit that has been going on I havent been in the gi class since then, just no gi here and there. Once school kicks back in Ill hit the gym and be back in it. Its hard in the summer because there is always other stuff to do and if Im at the gym and my friends are out chillen I feel left out. I talked to my coach and hes cool with it, he just told me to take some time off and once Im feeling it again to come back and get started again full time. Anyone else have this problem? Its not the heat that gets to me like most people. Alot of people just punk out cause its so hot out and they dont wanna workout in the heat. I dont mind that at all, its just distraction. When Jiu Jitsu is all there is to do, like during the school months, I love going, I look forward to it so much. But in the summer its like "aww man, everyone is goin swimmin and Im gonna be at the gym, I dont wanna miss it" but then when I do skip class I feel like an asshole. Get back to me guys, hopefully Im not the only one that slacked this summer.
My first submission was, after constantly sparring the best in class, one night the instructor gave me a guy who was there about the same length of time I was, but for whatever reason, we never sparred. It was a great confidence booster, for me, because it consisted of me completely dominating and taking position at will, got full mount and kept attacking the arms. He tried to escape, so I took his back and got him with a good ol' lion kill (rear naked choke).