Are you taller than your parents?

Dad 5-11
mom 5-5
me 5-9
brothers 5-11 and 6-4
sister 5-3

My mom's side is really short, as her dad was like 5-6, but there are a lot of great athletes on that side. I have 3 direct relatives that played pro baseball, and a mid tier professional boxer. The men on my dad's side are all over 6ft, but they're all pussies lol
Taller than my mom, but only taller than my dad by a half inch.
Ever since I was 14 years old or so.
My dad is 6ft. My mom is about 5'5. I'm 6'2.

Dad is 6'3
Brother is 6'2
I'm 5'11

Not bitter or anything though...
My dad's 5'8, my mom is 5 ft, my sister is 5 ft and I'm 5'10. My mom's parents were shorter than me and my dad's mom is shorter than me. Idk my dad's dad.
I suppose your mom and dad's first kiss was a blow job.


I'm easily taller than both my parents. Which is easy to do for immigrants. Studies have shown how US-raised kids gain several inches within the first couple of generations.

My parents grew up poor as shit and when they tell me their diets growing up, it really is no wonder they're tiny. My mom would have one small piece of protein every 2 weeks or so. All other days were starchy carbs or vegetable broth.
I'm taller than my mother by a whole foot,taller than my old man by 4 sister however is shorter than our mother.
I'm 6'3

Father was 6'5
Mother is 5'7

Glad I'm at least over 6'.
Mom is 5'8
Dad is 5'10

I'm a little over 5'11
Dad is 5'11
Mom is 5'9
I'm 6'1

No complaints from me.
Mother - 5'3
Father - 5'6/5'7
Me - 5'11

My grandfather was about 6 foot though.
Taller than my mom and dad. Taller than my brothers and sister.

Dad is 5'10
Mom is 5'3
I am 6'1

So yes.

Uncles are both 6'5 though.

Step dad is 5'2, I was such a dick to him when I was younger.
I am a giant in my family. I'm only about 6'2" but people in my family are very short. I always felt like Gulliver at family gatherings and shit.