Are kettlebells easy to learn?


White Belt
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Ive read somewhere that kettlebells are less technical than barbell, is it true?
Are kettlebell lifts easy to learn? Im planning to self-taught myself thru dvd's, internet articles i know its a bad idea but thats all i got here and can you also recommend some material?

Thank you.


I really want to do the compound lifts but Im in time constrain and financial constrain right now, i really dont have a choice.
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I found them to be. If you can do a proper hip hinge, you can do any of the more technical KB movements (swing, clean, snatch, etc.). Most everything else is pretty basic unless you want to get into juggling or something.
with anything start slow and light, i think kettlebells are harder to learn than regular weights. catching them on your forearms etc
KBs are quite easy to learn. There is little penalty for failure since they are relatively light.

Especially if you compare with something as complicated and demanding as Olympic lifting.
Kettlebells are the shit for strength endurance...I keep it simple and use basic swings or snatches to supplement the barbells. They help me stay lean too. The swing's pretty easy to learn, there's a decent youtube video where tim ferriss does a tutorial. I can't stand ferriss but the video's a good breakdown.
It depends on the movement. Most of the Hardstyle drills are very very easy to learn(swing, getup, goblet squat). Competition movements are a lot more difficult, particularly snatch and long cycle. I can probably get someone to do a proper goblet squat in 5 minutes if they're sedentary, as long as they don't have mobility issues. Hardstyle swing in probably 10-15. Almost noone does a rep of long cycle without looking stupid their first session.
With a proficient coach, and an understanding of the hip hinge, yes.
I had a fairly easy time learning to use KBs.
Thanks guys, I'll stick to simple lifts, my goal is just injury prevention.

I already look at Hip Hinge, i think i will have no problem w/ it, i do lift before w/ the guidance of competitive coach.
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