Apple May Become The First American Company To Be Worth More Than A Trillion Dollars Today

And the P/E ratio isn't in bubble territory, right? And iPhone X sales are going great even though experts proudly declared they ain't selling well and are going to be discontinued immediately.
They deserve it. Apple products are simply the best.
Standard Oil reached 1T taking into account inflation.
Basically Apple is a smartphone company today who makes computers on the side. Actually let me restate that, their services sector(iCloud, iTunes, Apps Store..etc) is now way ahead of their computer sales so computers are even lower so computers are really lower now as a priority.

Their value pre iPhone was a fraction of what it is today and once Apple started rolling in the dough from the iPhone, resources were directed towards iOS related items. It's part of the reason their Pro apps like Final Cut Pro got shoved to the side as they needed to direct resources for iOS.
Standard Oil reached 1T taking into account inflation.

Yes but I was going to add in the last 50 years and in actual current dollars.
Who or what group put together has enough money to pay Apple owners that much for their shares?
I think it will reach one trillion but the stock market is absurdly overvalued. That's why facebook and Netflix are tanking so hard.