Social AOC blasts ‘Jesus gets us’ Super Bowl ads, says they endorse ‘fascism’

Seriously, take your meds.
Once again is anything I posted untrue about Falwell Jr getting sloppy seconds from his wife and how Trump stole his endorsement from Ted Cruz.
Politics is a dirty game and have actually respect Trump for pulling that move. Plus it allows me to once again to point out the hypocrisy of the Christian Right.
I've had no problem with the commercial its a good commercial, but it was funded Hobby Lobby.

Fuck Hobby Lobby

Yeah came to say this.
I don't think Jesus's would be cool with an LLC in his name and stealing other countries artifacts (wtf) or paying less than liveable wages

Fuck hobby lobby

On the other hand. I don't give a fuck about teams, public prayer etc just like I don't give a fuck if it's Muslim, hindu or whatever. Do what ya gonna do to feel good.

Just don't expect me to sit around and listen when you tell me how to live or say im evil cause I dont believe in the same things
I rather liked those commercials and their message, even though I am not a believer. What is she saying is fascist about it? I don’t get it.

Infantilization of the population is a big way that fascists use to control populations I would guess.

Telling adults to be more like children, etc
AOC competing with Boebart and MTG to see who's the stupidest woman in the government.

Jesus would despise Trump.
Trump got the Christian endorsement because he found out Jerry Falwell Jr liked to watch his wife get drill pressed by the pool boy.
According to the pool boy if Jerry Jr was going to eat a pie he would prefer it to be full of cream.
Nice thread derail!
I rather liked those commercials and their message, even though I am not a believer. What is she saying is fascist about it? I don’t get it.

She's not talking about the commercials themselves. Looks like her objection is to Hobby Lobby, and her thinking is that the ads put a nice face on a group that does a lot of evil. The commercials did seem good.
Infantilization of the population is a big way that fascists use to control populations I would guess.

Telling adults to be more like children, etc

It was promoting unity, and had a few images of politically charged disputes. In her mind, it was saying don't fight fascists.
Either explanation is pretty weak, if that’s where she’s coming from. Maybe it’s the Hobby Lobby thing? But I wouldn’t have known they had anything to do with it without her bringing it up. I thought it was, like, the Latter Day Saints or something.
It just isn’t a good commercial.

The zealots got ahold of the keys from a conman from NYC, yet the word fascism doesn’t encapsulate what has happened in our country. A crappy commercial probably won’t help, either. But it isn’t offensive. AOC is being a bit bullheaded. Like, who cares?
Atheists make up most of the left and Christianity is the only religion they can't tolerate.
Ah yes, the "real" Christians are all on the right--the same guys that dont care about the poor and sick , the guys that put money over everything else, and the guys that love their guns as much as the Bible...a book they have clearly never read.
She's not talking about the commercials themselves. Looks like her objection is to Hobby Lobby, and her thinking is that they put a nice face on a group that does a lot of evil. The commercials did seem good.
Ok, yeah, see my previous comment. Called attention to something that wasn’t at all obvious to me. She probably could have let that one slide. But then I haven’t really paid attention to Hobby Lobby either, and now I’ll probably read a little bit about it. So there’s that.
Jesus would despise Trump.
Trump got the Christian endorsement because he found out Jerry Falwell Jr liked to watch his wife get drill pressed by the pool boy.
According to the pool boy if Jerry Jr was going to eat a pie he would prefer it to be full of cream.


What does Trump have to do with this? Are you okay?
The irony is the ad was telling you not to hate people like AOC and here you are saying the ad was great but AOC is what’s wrong with the world


The thing is, you should just be more chill and recognize we just gotta work some things out and stay the course and politics ain’t the answer
The irony is the ad was telling you not to hate people like AOC and here you are saying the ad was great but AOC is what’s wrong with the world


The thing is, you should just be more chill and recognize we just gotta work some things out and stay the course and politics ain’t the answer

As Dylan pointed out, Jesus was betrayed by a kiss. The worst people in politics, even by Christian standards, are usually very vocal about being Christian.

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