Anyone rolled with Maynard from Tool?


Orange Belt
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Just curious is anyone has had the chance to roll with him, and where you think his skills lie.
I'd love to roll with him no gi...wearing my "Love Jesus or burn in hell" t-shirt.
He has great core strength and an amazing grip.
after hearing the lyrics to prison sex.. I'm afraid to roll with him...
no, but i've seen him choke a guy out on stage
Todd beat him. You know that Todd can't let impostors live!
IIRC he is a purple under Rickson so I'm guessing he's pretty good.

The only footage I've seen was him giving some asshole a RNC on stage.
I have. Taught him a lesson before a San Jose show years ago. Bj Penn was there back when we were teamates at Ralphs. Theres pics somewhere.
lol that stage chokeout thing was pretty obviously a work, and the guy weighs like 112 pounds.
It would be rad to roll with him. Tool is my all time fav band, so that would be wild as hell to have that chance.
I read an interview where he said he quit BJJ because his back was getting injured too much. He's a little guy, and people kept stacking him too hard.

So I don't think you're gonna get the chance to roll with him anytime soon.
i know he was still doing privates with Ryron Gracie on a regular basis just a couple years ago. not sure if he got to brown though. i guess Ryron would be a good person to ask.
I have. Taught him a lesson before a San Jose show years ago. Bj Penn was there back when we were teamates at Ralphs. Theres pics somewhere.

Please tell me you uchi mata'd him into an armbar or something. I love Tool but I still would prefer him to get pwned on the mat.
I have. Taught him a lesson before a San Jose show years ago. Bj Penn was there back when we were teamates at Ralphs. Theres pics somewhere.

that's awesome. did you teach him the throw he used on this guy

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BTW just read your book, exactly what i was looking for. looking forward to a sequal.