Been to some. I was a bad alcoholic for 5 years. Multiple medical detoxes, multiple rehabs, multiple relapses. I haven't had a drink in almost 4 years now. A couple of the rehabs I went to we had like 2 or 3 AA meetings a week. It can be hit or miss. You should definitely try them. You are an alcoholic, you obviously don't know what the hell you are doing so try them out at least a month and see if there is anything that can help. You should be desperate to figure this out or you are going to die a painful death, but you already know that. A big part of their program is spirituality. So if you aren't a spiritual person the program may be not gel with you.
Having said that, I didn't care for it. I am a very spiritual person but the program just wasn't what I needed. After rehab I never went to another AA meeting. I've been to 4 rehabs over 5 years and two of them we had to go to AA meetings multiple times a week. There are some good people there but also some dry drunks who are just miserable. They figured out how to stop drinking but never figured out what was actually wrong with with them that made them an alcoholic in the first place. Many of them would take up their whole time just complaining and whining about their life. You'll encounter those people. And the rest of the group just zones out. But you'll also encounter some good people who inspire and motivate you. You can tell they truly beat their addiction the right way and are happy and productive. It can also seem very cultlike which some people need to stay on track. I didnt. I did a deep dive on my mind and over a year long period I came to terms with my issues. Almost lost my mind in the process and I wouldn't recommend it but it worked for me. Get a mental health counselor if you need it.
Just my experience. Be open minded and be ready to go deep and accept some pain to figure this out. You can and need to. It's probably going to be the hardest thing you ever done but its beautiful on the other side. Much love and God bless.