Opinion Anyone ever meet any black hebrew israelites?

All i know is they dress like mortal kombat characters


so u gonna come and take Israel or keep quoting meaningless scriptures ?
oohhhh didn't thought so

We are still under the curses but our time will come. Enjoy it for now. Shalom.
yeah if you happen to be looking for a invite to go drink koolade with a large group of people in a remote location somewhere
Not all education is beneficial or worth the investment in time. This is one of those cases. Kinda like interpretive Inuit dance theory 101.
I met a few at my old job here in Northern California. I met Nation of Islam and Hebrew Israelites, idk which are crazier.
If my recollection is correct there is DNA evidence that there is a portion of I think eastern africa where the local black population has some "jewish" DNA.

Black Hebrews consider themselves to be the lost tribe which is written about in scripture.

There's factual evidence to support the idea but a lot of it gets wrapped in bullshit and mysticism.

The most common accepted theory is a group of historically jewish men marooned on the coast of Africa (men traveled the world not women) and took African wifes.
Yeah there are some groups of Black Africans that are located in a specific part of Africa which are descendants of Israelites. The problem is Hebrew Israelites claim all black people are.
The so called Native Americans are also Israelites of the Northern Kingdom from the tribes of Gad & Reuben... So are the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Taino, Arawak from Central, South America and the Caribbean.


Can you give us a timeline here? Around what century did these Israelites arrive to the Americas?

Because there's evidence of humans first arriving in the Americas around 20,000-10,000 years ago. And the earliest civilization is from around the time of the ancient Egyptians, roughly around 2,500 BC

The “True Jews” are the Middle Eastern Jews who never left Middle East and stayed there for thousands of years.

That doesn't make any sense. Israelites were scattered to the four corners of the earth by their enemies. How can they have never left the middle east?
Lisbon, Portugal Inquisition 1500s. Can anyone spot the black jew being burned alive?

The Thirteenth Tribe is a book you should check out. Learn about your history:

Its really 13

And levi was in every tribe
Makes 13

So u didn't knew it was actually 13 tribes?
Strange, i thought that u would know such basic thing

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That doesn't make any sense. Israelites were scattered to the four corners of the earth by their enemies. How can they have never left the middle east?
A lot of Jews still remained in Middle East And never left the area. They have their own small communities.
A lot of Jews still remained in Middle East And never left the area. They have their own small communities.

Sure. But most were enslaved by Christians & Muslims and scattered to the four corners of the earth.