Any Testost-booster or legal riods at GNC?


Blue Belt
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Does GNC sell any Testosterone boosters? If so do they work?

Also do they sell any legal stereriods?
dude the keep the zma under lock and key i doubt you'll find anything close to roids
I don't think they have Anabolic Extreme Phera Plex but that and Superdrol are closely associated with Steroids.
I hope you look more into it before you ruin your endocrine system.
All of that "legal steroid" shit is a waste of money. Just do a cycle. It costs more, but the results are so much better than that bullshit that is legal. And the side effects are pretty minimal if you do 1 cycle, just make sure its an injectable, and try to stay away from Anadrol, that shit can fuck people up.
This dude is seriously being real ^^ AAS is nothing to be fucked with, but if you are gonna do some stupid shit like Superdrol you might as well up the bucks and get the real'll save your liver alot of pain.
Why is Anadrol something that can mess you up so bad as opposed to D-bol?
I'm not in the U.S., and I wont get real riods where I'm at.... Looking for a legal testosterone or roids
What about that Gamma-O stuff with Arlovski in the ad?
LCDforMe said:
Why is Anadrol something that can mess you up so bad as opposed to D-bol?

I don't know specifically, but its just the chemical makeup of the drug. I assume its harsh on your liver. All the anabolic steroids are chemical derivatives of real Test. So, some derivatives are better and more scientifically advanced than others. Some were just not "good" because they either didn't work, easily tested for, or had bad side effects.

People throw the phrase "anadrol fucks you up" around a lot because they think it makes them look smart and well versed about juice. Similar to the fact about how oral steroids mess up your liver, I have heard that from many uneducated gym rats.
Cardio said:
I'm not in the U.S., and I wont get real riods where I'm at.... Looking for a legal testosterone or roids
What about that Gamma-O stuff with Arlovski in the ad?

There aren't any legal roids in the US. At least not without a DR's prescription. As far as the Gamma-O, never tried it, but if they have any known sports figure on the ad, you can bet it's not illegal, let alone controversial. Arlovski's agents wouldn't let him stick his face on anything if they thought it might draw bad press. They'd stick with safe products that probably don't do a heck of a lot. Otherwise it might be a product that could have potential side effects...and products with side effects tend to draw lawsuits.
Rjkd12 said:
I don't know specifically, but its just the chemical makeup of the drug. I assume its harsh on your liver. All the anabolic steroids are chemical derivatives of real Test. So, some derivatives are better and more scientifically advanced than others. Some were just not "good" because they either didn't work, easily tested for, or had bad side effects.

People throw the phrase "anadrol fucks you up" around a lot because they think it makes them look smart and well versed about juice. Similar to the fact about how oral steroids mess up your liver, I have heard that from many uneducated gym rats.

I didn't say it to make myself looks smart, its just what i've found from research. I considered doing a cycle a couple of years back, and i know a lot of different people that have done them. And i've looked up a lot of different types of steroids, on a lot of different sites, and forums. And Anadrol is widely considered to be the steroid with the harshest side effects. And I'm not talking about acne, roid rage, or your nuts shrinking, i'm talking about liver and heart problems. And if you are saying that orals messing up your liver is a myth, please, explain to me and everybody else why this isn't true? If you want to prove me wrong, then by all means, do so, it will make everybody, myself included, more informed about steroids. but don't dismiss what i've said without giving reasons, especially when your post started with "I don't know specifically".
Cardio, Superdrol or Phera Plex if you have to have legal. Anything else out there is bullshit. Superdrol and Phera Plex are steroid precursors I believe which means they convert to testosterone inside your body. The forums over at have an EXCELLENT superdrol for dummies FAQ on the supplement forum you should read it.
SwiftMcvay said:
I didn't say it to make myself looks smart, its just what i've found from research. I considered doing a cycle a couple of years back, and i know a lot of different people that have done them. And i've looked up a lot of different types of steroids, on a lot of different sites, and forums. And Anadrol is widely considered to be the steroid with the harshest side effects. And I'm not talking about acne, roid rage, or your nuts shrinking, i'm talking about liver and heart problems. And if you are saying that orals messing up your liver is a myth, please, explain to me and everybody else why this isn't true? If you want to prove me wrong, then by all means, do so, it will make everybody, myself included, more informed about steroids. but don't dismiss what i've said without giving reasons, especially when your post started with "I don't know specifically".

I remember being told that oral steroids are always harsh on the liver which is one of the reasons why injectables were so popular...avoiding the liver. I could be wrong though.
speaking of prohormones and such. anyone know how long M1T shows up in a test?, or even if it would in a steriod test
While I do not support steroid cycling, I do agree w/ some people here-- the stuff advertised as "legal steroids" or "legal test. boosters" are pretty much crap in a bottle...overpriced crap.

if you are willing to drop that much $$$ on shit that is a gimmick, you might as well go out and get the real shit---just research and make sure you know specifics of what you're taking, your cycling/megadosing, etc...
SwiftMcvay said:
I didn't say it to make myself looks smart, its just what i've found from research. I considered doing a cycle a couple of years back, and i know a lot of different people that have done them. And i've looked up a lot of different types of steroids, on a lot of different sites, and forums. And Anadrol is widely considered to be the steroid with the harshest side effects. And I'm not talking about acne, roid rage, or your nuts shrinking, i'm talking about liver and heart problems. And if you are saying that orals messing up your liver is a myth, please, explain to me and everybody else why this isn't true? If you want to prove me wrong, then by all means, do so, it will make everybody, myself included, more informed about steroids. but don't dismiss what i've said without giving reasons, especially when your post started with "I don't know specifically".

All I did was attempt to answer the guys question about anadrol and how it is different from D-bol.

The only other thing I said was (reading between the lines) don't assume because someone gives a few tid bits about steroids that they know something. Personally I see your "stay away from anadrol" bit not very helpful to your overall post and that is why I assumed (very possibly incorrectly) that you were stating that little fact to increase the integrity of your post. All I meant was the fact that anadrol is unhealthy and orals go through the liver twice are very popular steroid trivia facts. I never said they were wrong, as I do agree with both of them. The other parts of your post I generally agree with, except that an oral or two in a cycle is ok, but generally a cycle of all orals can be bad.

Lastly, I did say that I am not positive about my facts as I have not studied steroids in great length and I am speculating on some of it. I never said what you said was wrong.

Simma down now.. simma...
Fyodor.. you talk about Superdrol a lot.. you need to just break down and take it
LCDforMe said:
I remember being told that oral steroids are always harsh on the liver which is one of the reasons why injectables were so popular...avoiding the liver. I could be wrong though.

All oral steroids are modified to make them bio-available. The attachment enables the steroid to pass through the digestive system, but it puts a strain on your liver. Injectables are much safer on your organs than orals. Unfortunately, most 'roid newbies do orals because they're scared of needles. Save your money and work your diet and nutrition harder. There is nothing legally that approaches steroids' effectiveness.
eljamaiquino said:
All oral steroids are modified to make them bio-available. The attachment enables the steroid to pass through the digestive system, but it puts a strain on your liver. Injectables are much safer on your organs than orals. Unfortunately, most 'roid newbies do orals because they're scared of needles. Save your money and work your diet and nutrition harder. There is nothing legally that approaches steroids' effectiveness.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me. It amazing how this stuff makes me curious but at the same time, I'll never do them. It's all bout the hard work man.

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