Any star wars fan not interested in seeing episode 9? **Poll**

Will you be seeing Episode 9 in theaters?

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  • No

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I hated the force awakens way more than the last Jedi. I think TFA is by far the worst star wars film.. so i'm not eager to see what kind of garbage jj Abrams puts out there.
As someone who has been a fan of the franchise with kids that were too, we even named out pet after Rey after TFA, i am completely uninterested in seeing episode 9. The old characters are dead and the new ones are uncompelling. I dont care what happens to the rebels/ republic now and the bad guys dont interest me either. My son who is 7 lost interest sfter TLJ

Anyone else geel the same?
I’m the exact same way. Don’t care about Rey’s identity, no cool villains. Don’t give a shit
Nope, this is the second time SW has let me down. Its like the prequels all over. I had hope after Awakens. They killed all my hope. You could say, I need a new hope.
I can't justify giving them anymore of my money. The Last Jedi was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Excellent replies chaps!

I should hope no self respecting adult will watch anymore of that shit after episode 9, made episode 1 look like The Shawshank Redemption.
I grew up with the originals, I went to see the prequels in the theatre when I was a kid, and I went to see force awakens, rouge one and last jedi in the theatre. I didn't see Solo and I won't be seeing episode 9.

Same here, still kinda shocked I still haven’t seen Solo as all Star Wars movies were a must-see. After TLJ, not so much.
I’ll do you one better:

I’ve never seen 8, & I’m never going to.

Lazerblast dodged.

As someone who has been a fan of the franchise with kids that were too, we even named out pet after Rey after TFA, i am completely uninterested in seeing episode 9. The old characters are dead and the new ones are uncompelling. I dont care what happens to the rebels/ republic now and the bad guys dont interest me either. My son who is 7 lost interest sfter TLJ

Anyone else geel the same?

This thread deserves a poll.

No way I am going to see it after the last two sequel trilogy films.

Non-highlighted portion included in fairness for semi-mature responses. The two things I take away from threads like this is, yes, we're still living in the age of HYPERBOLE! and, two, if you can imagine it: turns out STAR WARS might not be for everyone.
Won't be seeing any more Star Wars in theaters. I had a bunch of the books growing up, played Jedi Knight, Tie Fighter and X-Wing on my PC and have no interest in seeing anything more in theater.

Non-highlighted portion included in fairness for semi-mature responses. The two things I take away from threads like this is, yes, we're still living in the age of HYPERBOLE! and, two, if you can imagine it: turns out STAR WARS might not be for everyone.
Batman vs superman made a lot of money too. It also sucked and took all the hype from the justice League movie. We've already seen a drop off with Solo. Huge properties just might make a ton of money even if they're poorly received, but it might hurt future releases under the same umbrella.

Non-highlighted portion included in fairness for semi-mature responses. The two things I take away from threads like this is, yes, we're still living in the age of HYPERBOLE! and, two, if you can imagine it: turns out STAR WARS might not be for everyone.

It's not like we were all non-fans that saw this and didn't like it, I am a big fan, not huge but big. I wanted to like this movie, I was excited for it and it still managed to lose me. The real test will be the numbers for episode 9.
I haven't really been psyched about Star Wars since seeing The Phantom Menace in theaters. I thought it was fine, but it didn't feel like Star Wars, nothing since has given me hope.
Luke Skywalker wasn’t used properly

This is a bigger understatement than saying 'Donald Trump has a large ego.'

Anyway, any possible interest I would have in any Star Wars movies is dependent on two factors -

1. Removal of Kathleen Kennedy from any involvement of Ep9's production.

2. Removal of any SJW themes.

These two factors are instant deal-breakers.
No, but I'll probably see it just to follow through and I invested in the story.

But these movies are worse than the prequels.

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