Any star wars fan not interested in seeing episode 9? **Poll**

Will you be seeing Episode 9 in theaters?

  • Yes

  • No

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Brown Belt
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
As someone who has been a fan of the franchise with kids that were too, we even named out pet after Rey after TFA, i am completely uninterested in seeing episode 9. The old characters are dead and the new ones are uncompelling. I dont care what happens to the rebels/ republic now and the bad guys dont interest me either. My son who is 7 lost interest sfter TLJ

Anyone else geel the same?
No way.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
The Last Jedi pretty much killed my interest.
I would be interested if they remade Episodes 7 and 8. Right now I have no interest in episode 9.
i'll watch it. on netflix. just like i watched the previous two. on netflix. or free on the plane.

and don't delude yourself, if you paid to watch teh previous two, more than likely you will too for the next one.
I'll probably end up seeing it in the theater unless the trailer looks horrible along with reviews.
I didn't watch Solo. I'm pretty much done. I mean it was a movie for kids in the 70's and 80's. Yeah, I was a huge fan as a kid. Harrison Ford and other adults at the time thought it was a stupid kid's movie. Why don't adults feel that way now? The movies don't really have a connection with the originals.
If my kids want to go see it, I'll take them, but if they don't say anything about it, definitely not...
They ruined Star Wars with the Last Jedi, no interesting main villian Kylo seems weaker than (Mary Sue) Rey
TLJ was fine. Not deserving of all the angst.
Needed at least another rewrite and wasted some good characters with pointless B stories.

But it was fine. Almost nothing that made me think of the prequels...
i'd prefer to watch the Mario Van Peebles Solo to the most recent star wars side film, so that's a huge no.

I may rip it when it's available online like I probably will with Solo, but TLJ pretty much killed my interest in Star Wars movies for the foreseeable future. Done throwing away my cash on a garbage product.
I grew up with the originals, I went to see the prequels in the theatre when I was a kid, and I went to see force awakens, rouge one and last jedi in the theatre. I didn't see Solo and I won't be seeing episode 9.
I'll just watch the latest women's march instead
TLJ killed my interest but I might check it out to see how bad it is.
I’m not even a huge fan just enjoy the adventure aspect and no I won’t go see that shit. The only thing Disney understands is $$$$